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Thread: 19 Year Old First Cycle

  1. #1

    19 Year Old First Cycle

    My name's Dave; I'm 19 and wanting to do my first cycle of anabolics.

    I plan to do a version of Bill Robert's 2 Week On/4 Week Off cycle. I will continue PCT for two weeks, and then go at least another two weeks without any compounds.

    Here's my stats:

    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 190
    Body fat: 15%
    Calories: 180 g protein; 1000 g carbs; 60 g fat

    Here's my cycle:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Bill Roberts Cycle Picture.png 
Views:	892 
Size:	39.2 KB 
ID:	162162

    Tell me what you think.

    The number in parentheses next to the dose represents the number of dosing periods per day.

    I plan to do injectables, but are orals also an option?
    Last edited by DaveFoster; 03-01-2016 at 11:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I don't like it.. no one on this board is going to suggest that you do a cycle at 19y.o. Your natural test levels are already high enough.. tren and dbol for two weeks is a waste of time.. first cycle should always be test only, preferably enthanate or cyponate. 1000g of carbs will get you fat. This is all around a bad idea

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Why the hell are you doing steroids at 19? You're still a freaking teen for god's sake. Wait at least another 5 years and spend that time learning how to lift and diet right.

    Edit: Just looked at your cycle.... Dumbest thing I ever saw. Please don't even think about starting a cycle. The fact that you couldn't even click on a sticky at the top of the page in bold letters that says "How to plan your very first cycle" means you shouldn't even think about cycling.
    Last edited by saucerking; 03-02-2016 at 12:26 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by saucerking View Post
    Edit: Just looked at your cycle.... Dumbest thing I ever saw. Please don't even think about starting a cycle. The fact that you couldn't even click on a sticky at the top of the page in bold letters that says "How to plan your very first cycle" means you shouldn't even think about cycling.
    What exactly besides the high doses of hCG and lack of a SERM?

    Is it the lack of test?

  5. #5
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Who now days runs on natural test anyway??
    Last edited by kallmenelly; 03-02-2016 at 03:08 AM.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kallmenelly View Post
    Who now days runs on natural test anyway??

    Young guys who already have naturally high test levels and the intelligence to use it properly. Not everyone in the younger generation is reckless with their health.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveFoster View Post
    My name's Dave; I'm 19 and wanting to do my first cycle of anabolics.

    I plan to do a version of Bill Robert's 2 Week On/4 Week Off cycle. I will continue PCT for two weeks, and then go at least another two weeks without any compounds.

    Here's my stats:

    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 190
    Body fat: 15%
    Calories: 180 g protein; 1000 g carbs; 60 g fat

    Here's my cycle:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Bill Roberts Cycle Picture.png 
Views:	892 
Size:	39.2 KB 
ID:	162162

    Tell me what you think.

    The number in parentheses next to the dose represents the number of dosing periods per day.

    I plan to do injectables, but are orals also an option?
    Please allow your natural abilities propel you into a bigger stronger kid.

    You can make changes by eating more and training harder.

    If you'd like to stop by teh diet forum and ask a question about your meal plan, please do; I'd be happy to help.

    Also, visit the workout forum for ideas on how to make your body grow by tearing it down with a proper workout routine.

    All I want to say is I thought I needed anabolics too, but I made the decision to work my ass off and I went from a cut 175 all the way up to ~225-230lbs now, naturally. I even took some time off from heavy hitting in my 20's to finish up graduate degrees, get married, and start a family.

    Food, training, rest, and your true desire to make changes will take you further than any anabolic ever could.

  9. #9
    I appreciate the responses. I currently eat 7-8k calories per day and I'm growing quite a bit as a result.

    I weight train eod with a modified HST program; (I respond well to high frequency, low volume, moderate intensity).

    I will definitely consider waiting until my twenties before cycling, but I'd like some feedback on an edited version of the previous cycle.

    Here it is:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Bill Roberts Conservative Cycle.png 
Views:	312 
Size:	33.8 KB 
ID:	162175

    This is more conservative, and the hcG injections are lower with greater AI activity throughout the cycle.

    Once again, the number in parentheses represents the number of doses per day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    7-8k cals a day? You weigh 190?

    You're going to be 25% bf like tomorrow...

    Post your diet.

  11. #11
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    Jan 2016
    I hope you will find the strength and discipline to educate yourself, and in turn re-evaluate your current plans.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    7-8k cals a day? You weigh 190?

    You're going to be 25% bf like tomorrow...

    Post your diet.
    Second this. Please lay out your full diet so everyone can help u get the gains u want!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveFoster View Post
    I will definitely consider waiting until my twenties before cycling, but I'd like some feedback on an edited version of the previous cycle.
    Going by this, my guess is you wont consider it much and have already decided on cycling, and your now trying to fine tune it.

    Spend more time reading this than drafting up cycles:

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Going by this, my guess is you wont consider it much and have already decided on cycling, and your now trying to fine tune it.[/url]
    I understand the risks. This is the most conservative cycle I can think of besides maybe a dbol or test only cycle with heavy PCT. Given the lack of negative feedback to the pituitary on a 2 week cycle, I don't see any points against my decision.

    I wanted to cycle when I was 16, but I waited until now.

    I'm just going to find help elsewhere, as no one will give me feedback beyond "Don't do it kid, you're too young."

  15. #15
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    Good luck....see you on the TRT forums in 10 years. BTW, most of the big boards won't offer any feedback either and will give you the same "you're too young" speech". If you do get advice, my guess it's from another sub 22 knucklehead.

    By the way, how many Mcdoubles a day to hit 8000 calories?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    By the way, how many Mcdoubles a day to hit 8000 calories?
    Around 15.

  17. #17
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveFoster View Post
    I understand the risks. This is the most conservative cycle I can think of besides maybe a dbol or test only cycle with heavy PCT. Given the lack of negative feedback to the pituitary on a 2 week cycle, I don't see any points against my decision.

    I wanted to cycle when I was 16, but I waited until now.

    I'm just going to find help elsewhere, as no one will give me feedback beyond "Don't do it kid, you're too young."

    Don't cycle at all. Y don't u hit up the diet section so we can get u to the peak of your body. Then when u cycle at the right age and the right shape u will actually keep the most out of your gains.

    The fact that your saying your eating 15 meals from Mcdonalds tells me that WE can fix u up real well in the diet section.

  18. #18
    Na, just joking. Mostly milk and fruit based diet. Do you think 21 is an acceptable age?

  19. #19
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    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveFoster View Post
    Na, just joking. Mostly milk and fruit based diet. Do you think 21 is an acceptable age?
    This isn't what u want to here but, no its not. I'm being nice. I won't bash u for wanting to. Trust me most of us wanted to or did at a young age. NONE of us are happy we did though.

    U have your whole life to gain muscle, cut fat and destroy dumbells. Don't rush it because that's when u screw yourself up!

    25 years old and make sure your life is set up. Career job, wife and kids ( if u want them), stable house that your u can afford. Gear isn't cheap and if u start now and can't afford it later then what was the point. Yes this sounds crazy but it is the truth.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post
    This isn't what u want to here but, no its not. I'm being nice. I won't bash u for wanting to. Trust me most of us wanted to or did at a young age. NONE of us are happy we did though.

    U have your whole life to gain muscle, cut fat and destroy dumbells. Don't rush it because that's when u screw yourself up!

    25 years old and make sure your life is set up. Career job, wife and kids ( if u want them), stable house that your u can afford. Gear isn't cheap and if u start now and can't afford it later then what was the point. Yes this sounds crazy but it is the truth.
    Okay. Thanks for the advice, friend. I'll wait.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveFoster View Post
    Okay. Thanks for the advice, friend. I'll wait.
    Like I said hit up the diet section. We can help u out to the point that everyone will be asking u if your on aas! Haha

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by saucerking View Post
    Why the hell are you doing steroids at 19? You're still a freaking teen for god's sake. Wait at least another 5 years and spend that time learning how to lift and diet right.

    Edit: Just looked at your cycle.... Dumbest thing I ever saw. Please don't even think about starting a cycle. The fact that you couldn't even click on a sticky at the top of the page in bold letters that says "How to plan your very first cycle" means you shouldn't even think about cycling.
    lol one question whats the difference between cycling at 20 than 23?

  23. #23
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    3 years!

  24. #24
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    Jul 2010
    I did my first cycle your age. I understand you probably won't listen to anyone, but honestly the longer you wait to juice the better. I can guarentee you can get to 210lbs within 2 years and then re visit juicing

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    I don't like it.. no one on this board is going to suggest that you do a cycle at 19y.o. Your natural test levels are already high enough.. tren and dbol for two weeks is a waste of time.. first cycle should always be test only, preferably enthanate or cyponate. 1000g of carbs will get you fat. This is all around a bad idea
    Agree but tren and dbol two weeks are not a waist. I finished my 4 months AR-frieing with 5 days with dbol and tren a. Just to check my supplier for my christmascycle. 150 g tren mon and wednesday and dbol 30 ed. Man....when the guys saw me at next mondags workout they wow-ed me and i saw it myself. Two weeks with 300 g tren a and 30 mg dbol will skyrock your muscles. And the testbase ofcourse.

  26. #26
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    1000 g carb a day?? 190 lbs? Bullshit i dont believe. Listen to me, do not cycle for at least another 5 years.

  27. #27
    Take it from me. I'm 25, haven't done my first cycle yet. Yes you want massive gains. Yes you want "the look." Yes you want to get stronger. LISTEN TO ALL OF THESE GUYS. YOU WILL TRULY FUCK UP YOUR LEVELS. STOP! I used to be in your shoes. I wanted to cycle at 18. Boy was I an idiot. I'm 25 and STILL doing research. I finally did my first show ALL NATURAL, fully prepped diet by a trainer on hand. You think you have it all figured out, you don't. These guys aren't joking when they said "don't do it kid, you're to young" You can gain so much in 4-5 years by the right diet and training. STOP AND LEARN

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Themadhatter8 View Post
    lol one question whats the difference between cycling at 20 than 23?
    Heres my question: Where the hell did you get 20 and 23 from?

    He said he's 19 and I told him to wait 5 years. Do you even math??

    19 + 5 = what? 24.....

    And the difference between 19 and 24 is huge... You're body isn't done developing until 24/25. You risk screwing up your body if you take AAS any time before that.

  29. #29
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    Hey op im enjoying my ED and joint pain from early drug use my heart also feels weird sometimes too mate. You think it wont happen to you but it does.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    wait till age 25+

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