Hey all!
on day 4 now of my cycle. Here are my stats and my cycle:
250mg test E e3.5d 1-10
25mg dbol ed 1-4
250iu HCG with test 1-12
.5mg eod Arimidex
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/75/50/50
Salmon Oil(Omega 3) 2000mg ed
Milk Thistle 3000mg ed
Just curious as to when most people start experiencing their side effects if any at all. I know it's early in the cycle, just curious.
I can feel the pumps already from the dbol. My sleeps are amazing. My dreams have become extremely vivid and clear. I never used to be able to remember my dreams in the morning, and now that I'm on cycle, I remember everything. Water retention hasn't hit me yet(as far as I know). I assume my waist would increase slightly with water retention?
Also want to clear something up: My buddy who is competing for a show is being coached by an IFBB Pro. So my friend thinks he's well educated in the world of AAS. Here is what he's telling me to do for my cycle:
-take Test Prop .5cc same days you take test E
-up dbol to a MINIMUM of 40mg/day
-AI's shouldn't be used until the 3rd or 4th cycle.
-Don't use your Arimidex, have Nolvadex on hand.
- 10 weeks is too short. go 12-16 with your test. Recovery is the same regardless.
- dbol you should run for 6-8 weeks. (@40mg/day minimum)
- you shouldn't have started until you are over 200lbs. (@5'9)
I'd like to know how much of his stuff is bull. I mean, I was extremely comfortable with how much my facts, and then he went and said I was doing it all wrong and that This ^ is how it should be done. I just want some confirmation that he's a idiot if that's true lol.
Thank you in advance for everyone's input on their experiences![]()