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  1. #1
    Swolse is offline New Member
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    Mar 2016

    Angry Suggestions please.


    As I was over my friends house the other day, he got his hand on a bunch of anabolic steroids from a lab call Wellness and Fitness.

    He handed me 2 bottles... a Tren 250 & Test 400

    I have read a lot about this but can't seem to understand what it would really do to me!

    I have been working out for 2 years and 3 months.
    21 yo
    156 lbs

    My friends suggest that I take 1 cc of each Monday and another on Friday ( 2cc each day)
    Now, I didn't want to look dumb, didn't ask much questions which I regret now very much.

    If I were to follow his advice and start shooting up 1cc of each Monday and 1 cc of each on Friday for 10 weeks, what would be my results?

    Obviously in a low carb diet.

  2. #2
    SuperNova93's Avatar
    SuperNova93 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swolse View Post

    As I was over my friends house the other day, he got his hand on a bunch of anabolic steroids from a lab call Wellness and Fitness.

    He handed me 2 bottles... a Tren 250 & Test 400

    I have read a lot about this but can't seem to understand what it would really do to me!

    I have been working out for 2 years and 3 months.
    21 yo
    156 lbs

    My friends suggest that I take 1 cc of each Monday and another on Friday ( 2cc each day)
    Now, I didn't want to look dumb, didn't ask much questions which I regret now very much.

    If I were to follow his advice and start shooting up 1cc of each Monday and 1 cc of each on Friday for 10 weeks, what would be my results?

    Obviously in a low carb diet.
    Do not listen to your friend. You're too young for steroid use . Your endocrine system hasn't fully developed yet and you could end up with irreparable damage.
    You also weigh too little. Eat more food. Don't follow a low carb diet. Your nutrition is clearly not in check. I recommended you read the stickies at the top of this section and then head on over to the nutrition page and ask for help on setting you up with a proper diet plan. You need to gain weight naturally.

    Everyone on this forum is going to tell you roughly the same thing. As well as not to cycle with AAS until you're 25 and weigh more. Spend the next 4 years working on diet and Training. By then if you've been successful thus far, you can inquire again about using AAS.
    You have tons of natural testosterone in you. You'll build muscle naturally really well once everything is in check.

    Hope you follow this advice mate! Cheers.

  3. #3
    SuperNova93's Avatar
    SuperNova93 is offline Junior Member
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    and to answer your question on what would happen to you;

    Your estrogen would jump, along with your prolactin. You would suffer from high E2 effects and would probably end up lactating from high prolactin, and after all of that, you would lose any possible gains because your testicles are no longer producing testosterone . Your endocrine system would be crying and you would need to most likely have to be put on TRT the rest of your life.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Steroids arent something you try and see what happens.
    Permanent changes in your hormonal system may happen from the first injection of trenbolone .

    Not something to mess around unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing, and then you dont start with tren .

    Tell your friend to visit us here in the forum, seems he is in for a lifetime of hormonal problems he dint signed up for.

  5. #5
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Steroids arent something you try and see what happens.
    Permanent changes in your hormonal system may happen from the first injection of trenbolone .

    Not something to mess around unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing, and then you dont start with tren .

    Tell your friend to visit us here in the forum, seems he is in for a lifetime of hormonal problems he dint signed up for.
    ^^^^ this

  6. #6
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
    SampsonandDelilah is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Send them to me for safe keeping until you're old enough.

    PM for address

  7. #7
    kallmenelly's Avatar
    kallmenelly is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swolse
    Greetings, As I was over my friends house the other day, he got his hand on a bunch of anabolic steroids from a lab call Wellness and Fitness. He handed me 2 bottles... a Tren 250 & Test 400 I have read a lot about this but can't seem to understand what it would really do to me! I have been working out for 2 years and 3 months. 21 yo 156 lbs 5,6" My friends suggest that I take 1 cc of each Monday and another on Friday ( 2cc each day) Now, I didn't want to look dumb, didn't ask much questions which I regret now very much. If I were to follow his advice and start shooting up 1cc of each Monday and 1 cc of each on Friday for 10 weeks, what would be my results? Obviously in a low carb diet.
    what are your goals by taking test???" Get bigger more leaner "that's all training and diet, trt does speed up the process but you need to do it smart . You never spoke about running an ai while on cycle or even a proper pct with hcg ? You need to do some more research before you take that stuff man.

  8. #8
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Great advice above

    Your friend is making poor decisions and giving you the same poor advice.

    Dont follow his path, even if he temporarily looks good on the outside, dont be tempted, its whats going on in the inside thats important.

    Taking a tren and test cycle at that age with no research is wreckless

  9. #9
    kallmenelly's Avatar
    kallmenelly is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^^agreed.. not to mention your splitting the shots every Monday and Friday?? that makes no sense it should be Monday and Thursday to keep blood lvls stable.

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