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  1. #1
    Easyroller is offline New Member
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    Tren A / Test cycle review

    Someone asked me to post my cycle in here so here it goes
    24 y/o 6'4 270lbs ~18%bf? maybe less This is my 2nd cycle first cycle was test E 600mg/wk everything went fine on that goal for this is to basically recomp.. Put on a little muscle while cutting away some fat
    Right now im trying to do intermittent fasting @3000cal/day 400g pro 250g c within 8 hours then nothing for the next 16. To be completely honest I hate it bc i hate feeling hungry. I posted what i eat in the nutrition section Macros for cutting

    1-4 Sustanon 75mg EOD
    1-4 Var 70mg ED
    4-10 Test P 75mg EOD
    2-10 Tren A 75mg EOD ( will increase to 100 mg EOD and possible 150 EOD depending on sides honestly i want to get upto 500mg+ a week)

    2-10 Adex .25mg EOD
    1-10 HCG 500IU 2x/wk
    3-10 Prami .25mg 2x/wk

    PCT Tamox/Clomid 100/75/50/50 40/40/20/20
    Last edited by Easyroller; 03-06-2016 at 10:35 AM.

  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easyroller View Post
    Someone asked me to post my cycle in here so here it goes
    24 y/o 6'4 270lbs ~18%bf? maybe less This is my 2nd cycle first cycle was test E 600mg/wk everything went fine on that goal for this is to basically recomp.. Put on a little muscle while cutting away some fat
    Right now im trying to do intermittent fasting @3000cal/day 400g pro 250g c within 8 hours then nothing for the next 16. To be completely honest I hate it bc i hate feeling hungry. I posted what i eat in the nutrition section Macros for cutting

    1-4 Sustanon 75mg EOD
    1-4 Var 70mg ED
    4-10 Test P 75mg EOD
    2-10 Tren A 75mg EOD ( will increase to 100 mg EOD and possible 150 EOD depending on sides honestly i want to get upto 500mg+ a week)

    2-10 Adex .25mg EOD
    1-10 HCG 500IU 2x/wk
    3-10 Prami .25mg 2x/wk

    PCT Tamox/Clomid 100/75/50/50 40/40/20/20
    What's your cycle experience? I don't think you need all these compounds... Especially if you haven't used them!!

    Start your dex from the get go... And extend your nolva to 6wks - add 20/20 - being your running tren - a 19nor progestin - any DA on hand?

  3. #3
    Easyroller is offline New Member
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    Yeah i started dex 3 days after first inject being as its low doses of test Ill extend nolva sure.. and yes DA is covered by prami isnt it?
    Also ive got enough var to use it as a kickstart as well as finisher lol do you think I should stop the var when i start the tren so i can use it at the end for the final 4 weeks or just do first 4 take 2 weeks off and hit it again last 4?
    Last edited by Easyroller; 03-06-2016 at 10:48 AM.

  4. #4
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easyroller View Post
    Yeah i started dex 3 days after first inject being as its low doses of test Ill extend nolva sure.. and yes DA is covered by prami isnt it?

    Yessir... If youve not run primi b4 some get nauseous so take right b4 bed time and start low and tirate up - ex - .125(3-4days) .25(3-4days) -- but go off your mid cycle BW to see infangare aduso ente Needle making on your AI/& DA!

    This sing your first Cyclones is it?? If so... Test only as you'll have zero clue what's causing your sides...
    Last edited by NACH3; 03-06-2016 at 11:07 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easyroller View Post
    Yeah i started dex 3 days after first inject being as its low doses of test Ill extend nolva sure.. and yes DA is covered by prami isnt it?
    Also ive got enough var to use it as a kickstart as well as finisher lol do you think I should stop the var when i start the tren so i can use it at the end for the final 4 weeks or just do first 4 take 2 weeks off and hit it again last 4?
    I would've just stuck to prop and just backload the var if 6-8wks - run NAC for liver support tho... Even when just using injectable so but surely in top of any type of orals!

    Again - list all compounds you've used thus far???

  6. #6
    Easyroller is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    Yessir... If youve not run primi b4 some get nauseous so take right b4 beh time and start low and tirate up - ex - .125(3-4days) .25(3-4days) -- but go off your mid cycle BW to see infangare aduso ente Needle making on your AI/& DA!

    This sing your first Cyclones is it?? If so... Test only as you'll have zero clue what's causing your sides...
    Are you posting from a phone? theres some words in there that im not even sure are words lol but i think I get the gist of what youre saying lol
    And I ran a cycle last year of just Test E @600mg/wk and everything went fine did everything and had no real side affects the whole way through

  7. #7
    Easyroller is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    I would've just stuck to prop and just backload the var if 6-8wks - run NAC for liver support tho... Even when just using injectable so but surely in top of any type of orals!

    Again - list all compounds you've used thus far???
    I take 600mg NAC daily when im not on anything and upped it to 1200mg ED The morning I started began this cycle. Im only 5 days in so far. Started on wednesay March 2nd

  8. #8
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easyroller View Post
    Are you posting from a phone? theres some words in there that im not even sure are words lol but i think I get the gist of what youre saying lol
    And I ran a cycle last year of just Test E @600mg/wk and everything went fine did everything and had no real side affects the whole way through
    Haha I am lol - meant to say is this your first cycle(cyclone lmao)... Ok!

    I know you don't want to hear this - but tren is very real w/very real dude effects! If you went off just feeling and no BW(blood work) than you've most likely had more sides than you think... What sides did you experience?

    Test and add one compound at a time... var is great - plus you'll need to get your BF down to 15% max and lower the better!

    6'4" @ 270 is quite impressive - any pics?

  9. #9
    Easyroller is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Haha I am lol - meant to say is this your first cycle(cyclone lmao)... Ok!

    I know you don't want to hear this - but tren is very real w/very real dude effects! If you went off just feeling and no BW(blood work) than you've most likely had more sides than you think... What sides did you experience?

    Test and add one compound at a time... var is great - plus you'll need to get your BF down to 15% max and lower the better!

    6'4" @ 270 is quite impressive - any pics?
    I did bloods during my first cycle my levels were all gtg I dont remember how much ADEX i was running EOD but my levels were all within range I did everything as stated in autinites beginners cycle thread thing and everything went smooth. No complaints. Id much rather run the Tren than the var to be completely honest, Ive had the var on hand so i thought why not run it aswell at least until i start then tren seeing as the var doesnt convert. The side affects of tren though thats what im curious to see how that all works out Ive literally got everything on hand I think I might need. Prami, Nolva, Clomid, Adex, Letro(prematurely ordered this and have kept it on hand just incase)

    Edit- Ill see if i can get some pics..
    Last edited by Easyroller; 03-06-2016 at 11:23 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easyroller View Post
    I did bloods during my first cycle my levels were all gtg I dont remember how much ADEX i was running EOD but my levels were all within range I did everything as stated in autinites beginners cycle thread thing and everything went smooth. No complaints. Id much rather run the Tren than the var to be completely honest, Ive had the var on hand so i thought why not run it aswell at least until i start then tren seeing as the var doesnt convert. The side affects of tren though thats what im curious to see how that all works out Ive literally got everything on hand I think I might need. Prami, Nolva, Clomid, Adex, Letro(prematurely ordered this and have kept it on hand just incase)
    It sounds like you've done your research - good to see! Though I'd still suggest running Nandrolone b4 tren to get a feel for a 19nor, however, it's your call - I can say this you won't need 500mgs of tren on this run - maybe 300-50mgs/wkly... See how that goes... If your going to run the tren then start it from the beginning and save the var... Plus the var won't do much w/the tren winning outright at the AR!

  11. #11
    Easyroller is offline New Member
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    Okay sounds good I was waiting a week to start the tren because im running Sustanon right now so wanted to give it atleast a week to build up a little bit? Was planning on hitting my first pin of tren this tuesday coming up March 8th, Although im supposed to pin sust tonight so I could start the tren tonight? What would you say? And Ive read pinning tren ED makes the sides a little more tolerable? Do you have any feedback on that?
    Edit- Ive already got the tren so im probably going to run that.. Maybe next time around Ill do some npp. Does it produce results similar to tren?
    Last edited by Easyroller; 03-06-2016 at 11:41 AM.

  12. #12
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Id avoid tren at 500mg per week, you can get great gains from 200mg per week

    Its going to mean in future your going to need like 800mg of tren or more just to respond.

    It makes more sense to do 200mg, then 300mg then 400mg etc,

    500mg per week is not necessary on a first tren run

  13. #13
    Easyroller is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Id avoid tren at 500mg per week, you can get great gains from 200mg per week

    Its going to mean in future your going to need like 800mg of tren or more just to respond.

    It makes more sense to do 200mg, then 300mg then 400mg etc,

    500mg per week is not necessary on a first tren run
    I dont think steroids work that way where you always have to increase the mg's ran to produce results If that were the case the pros would be running 2grams+ of every compound whenever they ran something And I really dont think they run their shit that high..(although they might noone really knows) And ive read that tren and test both compete for the same receptors so its better to run test lower and tren a little higher and let it do its thing? Im not saying I need 500mg of tren/wk but im sure that shit would yield some great gainz. As NACH3 said ill probably end up running 350mg/wk or 100mg EOD

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    I dont think there will be much difference in gains on your first tren run wether you go 300 or 500, but potentialy more sides

    It would be better imo to go around the 300 mark.

    I didnt mean to come across that you need to keep doubling the dose, but meant why start so high on your first run? Why rush it if that makes sense?
    Also it depends how often you plan on cycling, time off, blasting and cruising etc which you would need to up the dose.

    Many vets on here ran high doses of gear first time/when they were younger, and now they regret it as they dont respond to it so well.

    Good to know your going towards the 300 mark, plenty of time and opportunitys to go higher good luck with your cycle, hope it goes wel for you

  15. #15
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    Tren is real and so are the sides. I also recommend 300 mg to see how you react. It takes awhile to recuperate.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easyroller View Post
    Okay sounds good I was waiting a week to start the tren because im running Sustanon right now so wanted to give it atleast a week to build up a little bit? Was planning on hitting my first pin of tren this tuesday coming up March 8th, Although im supposed to pin sust tonight so I could start the tren tonight? What would you say? And Ive read pinning tren ED makes the sides a little more tolerable? Do you have any feedback on that?
    Edit- Ive already got the tren so im probably going to run that.. Maybe next time around Ill do some npp. Does it produce results similar to tren?
    I agree w/the above, on your dosage(no need to run 500mgs - that's = to roughly 2.5Gs of test lol)... You'd be surprised at what running 150mgs of tren can do! It's 5x stronger both anabolicly/& androgenically then testosterone which has a 1:1 ratio -

    When I run any type of short esters... I pin ed to keep my blood levels as stable as possible(many can run it EOD w/out problems) I've just learned over time my body responds best to ed injections for short esters! If you go this route... Make sure you have at least 6-8 sites to rotate between(glutes, quads, delts, tris, pecs) are my go to...

  17. #17
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    Ive never pinned pecs im really not flexable enough to hit glutes ive been rotating between quads and delts ill think about trying pecs this week sounds fun.. How long should I wait for the sustanon to start pinning the tren ?

  18. #18
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    You can start both at the same time, sustanon although you dont see results in the gym for a few weeks, kicks in the body very quick.

    You dont need to run the sustanon for weeks then start the tren .

  19. #19
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    I am making great gains at 100mg/wk of Tren -A.

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