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  1. #1
    GainzToday's Avatar
    GainzToday is offline New Member
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    Quick Question about Tren cycle

    I am currently running Test P, Tren A, and Masteron P.
    I've been running
    Test P at 200mg/week for 6 weeks
    Tren A at 550mg/week for 6 weeks
    Masteron P at 700mg/week for 6 weeks

    My original plan was to drop the tren at 8 weeks and up the test to 500mg/week until week 12 then PCT.
    I recently found out that we are going on a vacation this summer. June 23rd-July 4th, we're gonna be on the beach so I'd like to be on some type of gear then. Preferably Tren but i'd settle for test. How would you bros advise I go about this? Would it be okay to drop the tren and mast at 8 weeks, go on a TRT dose of test until the beginning of June, then blast the doses I'm currently taking again before going on PCT? or would that make it too hard to get my HPTA system back up and running? Could I just stay on the test for 20 or so weeks? I don't have an issue pinning. I've never had an issue coming back after a cycle but I don't want to risk it. I've posted about this before but didn't really get a solid answer. Help a bro out. Thanks.

  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Nobody will advise to do what you have planned, but;

    If you are going to do something anyway, and want to stay on gear whilst away, i would finish your cycle and the cruise on something like 150mg Test to help keep your gains and libido during your holiday then start PCT as soon as you get back (No need to blast again) and remember you probably wont gain anymore on the TRT dose but it will make you feel better and stop a big loss in gains.

  3. #3
    GainzToday's Avatar
    GainzToday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Nobody will advise to do what you have planned, but;

    If you are going to do something anyway, and want to stay on gear whilst away, i would finish your cycle and the cruise on something like 150mg Test to help keep your gains and libido during your holiday then start PCT as soon as you get back (No need to blast again) and remember you probably wont gain anymore on the TRT dose but it will make you feel better and stop a big loss in gains.
    I appreciate the response. Do you think those few weeks would make it harder to recovery? If it's gonna do damage, i'll just say forget it. I don't want to do longer term damage for short term gains. The only reason I suggested cruising and coming back on was because I saw a few feeds on reddit of people doing said cycles.

  4. #4
    GainzToday's Avatar
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    anyone else??

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    The longer you stay on the more risk there is bottom line. Are you willing to up the risk of not recovering and ending up on trt for the rest of your life?

  6. #6
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The general rule is the longer the cycle, the harder the recovery. Are you running hcg ?

  7. #7
    GainzToday's Avatar
    GainzToday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    The longer you stay on the more risk there is bottom line. Are you willing to up the risk of not recovering and ending up on trt for the rest of your life?
    Is that a real risk only running a 18-20 week cycle? People run 25-30 week bulking cycles all the time.

  8. #8
    GainzToday's Avatar
    GainzToday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    The general rule is the longer the cycle, the harder the recovery. Are you running hcg?
    yes 500iu a week

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GainzToday View Post
    Is that a real risk only running a 18-20 week cycle? People run 25-30 week bulking cycles all the time.
    Most those people are already on trt. Running a 12 week cycle comes with risks

  10. #10
    GainzToday's Avatar
    GainzToday is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Most those people are already on trt. Running a 12 week cycle comes with risks
    I guess a better way to word it would be:

    Is the chance of not being able to restart my HTPA substantially greater running a 20 week cycle as opposed to a 12 weeker?

  11. #11
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GainzToday
    I guess a better way to word it would be: Is the chance of not being able to restart my HTPA substantially greater running a 20 week cycle as opposed to a 12 weeker?
    yes the longer you stay on the more the risk.

  12. #12
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What your talking about is a big risk. The longer you stay on the harder it is to restart if your able. I have been on trt for going on 7 years, and I have actually stopped. Im just tired of the pinning. I was in my 20s when trt started, and I would kill to have just average test levels. I would say looking good on the beach is not worth it.

    I would gladly strut around the beach 40lbs overweight if it would give me my natural test levels back.

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