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Thread: First time getting testosterone cypionateTOMORROW

  1. #1

    First time getting testosterone cypionateTOMORROW

    I have been doing research but now I decided I would see what you all think about...

    I was told to run 1cc every week and when I feel comfortable start up at 2cc every week.....

    I have my PCT and estrogen blocker

    I weigh 150 plan on doing this with the cleanest diet plan

    Any tips? advice? need more information please explain

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    How tall are u? 150 lbs is not much.

    Read the sticky "executing and planning my first cycle plain " everything u need is in there.

  3. #3
    I am 5'9 and I am 22 years of age

    I have been reading the stickied threads and am aware I need PCT and an AI My diet is on point as I have been exercising for over 4 years now. I just want to be sure I am being absolutely safe???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Read the young and steriods.

    And reread the other thread I said. There is alot more info then just pct and AI!

    I personally think that u can grow ALOT more natural before u jump into the game of aas.

  5. #5
    Okay I will check out EVERY single thread. This is me currently: Click image for larger version. 

Name:	54a668ef368753906bd967e5d1f21291.jpg 
Views:	193 
Size:	59.2 KB 
ID:	162467
    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post
    Read the young and steriods.

    And reread the other thread I said. There is alot more info then just pct and AI!

    I personally think that u can grow ALOT more natural before u jump into the game of aas.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Solid frame! Keep up the good work.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    At 5ft9 and 150lbs you need to eat more brother
    If you cant eat properly, you wont gain, wether you take steroids or not.

    My wife is 5ft4 140lbs, im not trying to sound a dick here but she has more muscle than you.

    I suggest you get your diet fixed before cycling.

    Concentrate on your diet and cycle when your 25 years old
    At 22 your HPTA and endocrine is more than likely still maturing, you dont want to be messing with steroids at this time.

    Use the time to fix your diet discipline and get some more natural gains, cycling now is more than likely going to be counter productive for you, especialy if you cant eat.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 03-24-2016 at 01:54 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Quote Originally Posted by dff280 View Post
    Okay I will check out EVERY single thread. This is me currently: Click image for larger version. 

Name:	54a668ef368753906bd967e5d1f21291.jpg 
Views:	193 
Size:	59.2 KB 
ID:	162467
    Solid frame, nice work bro. At 22 it's very risky to start running exogenous testosterone now. Your natural levels are already so high that with proper eating and nutrition (as noted) you'll continue to see great gains. It's tough to think long term at 22, but the possibility of goofing up your body for the long term may not make the juice worth the squeeze right now. Keep doing what you're doing and reasses in a few years

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Solid frame, nice work bro. At 22 it's very risky to start running exogenous testosterone now. Your natural levels are already so high that with proper eating and nutrition (as noted) you'll continue to see great gains. It's tough to think long term at 22, but the possibility of goofing up your body for the long term may not make the juice worth the squeeze right now. Keep doing what you're doing and reasses in a few years
    Thank you everybody I truly do appreciate the advice, My doctor has told me that my plates are gone and I am developed. Should I still wait??? I would love to begin my first cycle, and I am currently creating a custom diet plan so I will put on weight. Using some help from

    My friend has been doing cycles for years now and I just want to try it once. WITH MINIMAL side effects

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Wait, there is so much more you can put on naturally, you'll be so mad at yourself for not maxing out your natural potential first, IMO! If you post your diet and exercise program, specifically with sets/reps/poundages you can get enough help here to grow without the cycle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Definitely post up your diet in the proper section!

    I put on more weight because of the guys in there then I thoughts I ever could. Well keeping my body fat down.

    There some of the best.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by 73rr View Post
    Solid frame! Keep up the good work.
    Most definitely. Tremendous potential no question!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Hey dff. It's obvious that you have very high levels of natural Testosterone in your body now. There's no need to introduce exogenous Testosterone, all you will do is destroy your bodies ability to produce its own Testosterone. Right now you need to blast great body building nutrition and weight training. Good luck buddy!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    pound the protein for a year would like to see you then

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    A world without islam!!!!
    You will grow like a weed if you fix your diet. You are not eating much mate.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I want to see the training in detail, eat and lift right and you can put on some amazing size!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    I agree with the others man until you fix you diet and start growing natty first before you touch the gear then you will have little chance of keeping the new gains post others said steroids wort take the place of a poor get on it...good luck...

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