I have been cutting and am currently about 5'8 170lbs 7-9% body fat. Once my cut is done I'll bulk for a month or so then start a cycle of test e or c. 250mg 2x a week. It will most likely be a 10 week cycle.
How does this all look?
-2 10ml bottles of test E or Test C (250mg 2x a week) should be good for 20 injections?=10 weeks
-10,000 Iu bottle of HCG (250iu 2x a week) Will run this from week 1-14 (about 3 days before PCT begins)
-10ml bottle of B.A. Water. (will mix 10cc of water to 10,000iu HCG. This means every 250cc will contain 250iu HCG correct? (if so this will last me 20 weeks? again I plan on just using it weeks 1-12
-A Dex weeks 1-12 (.25mg EOD)
-PCT= (weeks 12-16) Clomid 75-50-50-50 and Nolvadex 40-20-20-20 Every day for 4 weeks
-25 injecting and drawing needles for Test (23gauge, 1.5inch in upper outer glute)
-25 1cc syringes for test
25 injecting and drawing needles for HCG (27-31gauge, .5inch) Insulin Pins
25 1CC Syringes for HCG
Blood Work before cycle
Mid Cycle
6 weeks after last Pin
*I decide to choose A dex because Letro from what i heard seems harsh.
Please critique This Plan
I want to make sure i have everything 100% Correct before i start.
Do i have enough of everything? too much?
Would you suggest a 10 week or 12 week first cycle? decided on 10 because 20ml would last 10 weeks at 250mg 2x a week.
How Much Water Weight will I gain on Cycle? I'm going to eat clean to minimize fat gain during cycle.
How long before water weight bloat goes away.
What % of weight gain can you expect to keep 6 months after a cycle if you keep training at an optimal level?
I am hoping to get up to 185 from 170lbs you can use this as a reference
Is 15 lbs an easy number to achieve on a first cycle? I train hard and am In really good shape now. low body fat. good vascular. Starting to get striations in my chest and veins in my chest.