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Thread: PCT low libido

  1. #1

    PCT low libido

    Okay so I'm new to both this site and "juice" in general I always read the threads on this site and try to get information from you guys but I ran into a situation myself. So a little back ground about me.
    I'm 19, 195lbs, I ran a test E cycle for 20 weeks yea I know kinda dumb 500mgs a week, no hcg, no ai. I slowly came off of testosterone and took about one week after my last pin to rest. Seven days after my last pin I started my PCT nolva and clomid. I am one week into my pct I don't know the mgs of each I just know I had 2ccs of each nolva and clomid for the first seven days of my pct and am now taking 1cc of both nolva and clomid. I just wanna know is it normal to have absolutely zero sex drive while on pct? I tried taking 2ccs of liquid cialis and shit didn't even work on me. My girlfriend is understanding and I have her the whole run through how my body is adjusting and I might not be in the mood for a little and she's understanding. I also didn't have and blood prior to my cycle I know which is another dumb noob mistake. I understand I screwed up with running a cycle for that long I just wanna know, is this normal? And is there anything I could do to help this? Please be easy on me I understand I'm a noob and I didn't have a lot of guidence with this I really appreciate all the help.

    Nolva 20mgs /30ml
    Clomid 50mgs / 30ml

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Robbiesourz View Post
    Okay so I'm new to both this site and "juice" in general I always read the threads on this site and try to get information from you guys but I ran into a situation myself. So a little back ground about me.
    I'm 19, 195lbs, I ran a test E cycle for 20 weeks yea I know kinda dumb 500mgs a week, no hcg, no ai. I slowly came off of testosterone and took about one week after my last pin to rest. Seven days after my last pin I started my PCT nolva and clomid. I am one week into my pct I don't know the mgs of each I just know I had 2ccs of each nolva and clomid for the first seven days of my pct and am now taking 1cc of both nolva and clomid. I just wanna know is it normal to have absolutely zero sex drive while on pct? I tried taking 2ccs of liquid cialis and shit didn't even work on me. My girlfriend is understanding and I have her the whole run through how my body is adjusting and I might not be in the mood for a little and she's understanding. I also didn't have and blood prior to my cycle I know which is another dumb noob mistake. I understand I screwed up with running a cycle for that long I just wanna know, is this normal? And is there anything I could do to help this? Please be easy on me I understand I'm a noob and I didn't have a lot of guidence with this I really appreciate all the help.

    Nolva 20mgs /30ml
    Clomid 50mgs / 30ml
    I feel like I'm reading myself

    i was 19, ran test p with ai no hcg and felt i was on top of the world. by the end of the cycle i didn't have any libido panicked found these forums ran pct. the weeks have turned to months and now years. I'm 21 now and i have recently starred trt and my libido never returned besides rare instances every week or so with a semi but no real hard on. ran many pct's never got my t up from 300's lh stayed low and i finally had enough and started trt not to long ago and hope to see progress soon. I'm telling you this because i want you to be scared. i use to live ignorantly on top of life and had it all now i lost everything from that depression of possibly no life of sex. hopefully you recover and read on all the threads about people going thru the same thing and a lot of these people don't recover. i can see thru those lines, regret.

    from all the threads iv read similar to this you may have some by the end of pct, more than likely a month post, and if you don't start feeling progress with 2-3 months post it could be a year or so to really know where your gonna be at. but most people who have cycled will tell you they never felt the same in bed after their first cycle. i hope you recover i would reverse this torture for the worst of the worst it really is dark times

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 641 View Post
    I feel like I'm reading myself

    i was 19, ran test p with ai no hcg and felt i was on top of the world. by the end of the cycle i didn't have any libido panicked found these forums ran pct. the weeks have turned to months and now years. I'm 21 now and i have recently starred trt and my libido never returned besides rare instances every week or so with a semi but no real hard on. ran many pct's never got my t up from 300's lh stayed low and i finally had enough and started trt not to long ago and hope to see progress soon. I'm telling you this because i want you to be scared. i use to live ignorantly on top of life and had it all now i lost everything from that depression of possibly no life of sex. hopefully you recover and read on all the threads about people going thru the same thing and a lot of these people don't recover. i can see thru those lines, regret.

    from all the threads iv read similar to this you may have some by the end of pct, more than likely a month post, and if you don't start feeling progress with 2-3 months post it could be a year or so to really know where your gonna be at. but most people who have cycled will tell you they never felt the same in bed after their first cycle. i hope you recover i would reverse this torture for the worst of the worst it really is dark times
    Thanks for the info man it does suck I'm hoping that this just goes back to normal it sucks I loved being on juice I felt great and now that I'm off I feel less of a man cause I can't even have sex but it's only one week into my pct and supposedly all my friends and people I know said this is normal when you do this and it comes back I hope all well goes for you and lemme know how trt works for you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Robbiesourz View Post
    Thanks for the info man it does suck I'm hoping that this just goes back to normal it sucks I loved being on juice I felt great and now that I'm off I feel less of a man cause I can't even have sex but it's only one week into my pct and supposedly all my friends and people I know said this is normal when you do this and it comes back I hope all well goes for you and lemme know how trt works for you
    we are one in the same. soon you realize they all have some problem (test not as high, wood now only 85% of what it used to be, having to carry a V at all times) no one our age will admit such an embarrassing thing.

    nothing anyone here will be of any help to you. they will all say continue pct and get bloods 4-6 weeks after. good luck i really hope it goes good

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    You dont know the amount of clomid or nolva your taking?
    How can you be taking CC's of PCT meds? They are measured in Strength/MG, not amount/CC/ML
    Is your clomid and nolva liquid form or something? Ive only ever seen tablet form.
    Your PCT meds are pharma grade i hope?

    PCT is the worst time for sex drive/libido
    Running no AI or HCG was a poor decision, that would have made things worse.

    I hope you recover, cycling under 25 years old can be very dangerous in terms of permanent shut down

    Theres not much you can do, keep training, keep eating (healthy), rest, no smokinh, no alcohol, try not to stress too much it will make it worse.
    Get full bloodwork 8 weeks after PCT
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 03-24-2016 at 05:55 PM.

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