Thread: Any Egyptians here?
03-25-2016, 01:51 AM #1
Any Egyptians here?
Anyone here living in Egypt? I'm traveling there in a few months and had some questions regarding gear. Note that it is completely legal in Egypt to purchase without a prescription so I don't believe I'am breaking any rules.
During my last trip I ran a cycle consisting of 750mg/week of test e (cido) for 12 weeks. If i'm not mistaken, Egyptian pharmaceutical companies (such as Cido and Nile co.) only produce test e,prop, testanon(sustanon like blend), andriol , and deca . For this summers cycle I would really like to stack my proposed test cycle with trenbalone acetate.
So basically my question is where can I find compounds (such as proviron and trenbolone ) that are not manufactured by any Egyptian pharmaceutical and therefore not normally sold in pharmacies. Are there any special pharmacies that carry them? Thanks allot
03-25-2016, 01:52 AM #2
Sorry I havent visited this site in years I dont think I asked in the right section.
03-25-2016, 03:48 AM #3
You cant get pharma grade tren , only UGL, finding a random UGL in Egypt would probably be a bad idea imo
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