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  1. #1
    Bpb is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014

    first show

    Hi all,
    Complete beginner to this. Not to training I know what I'm doing that side. Got a show in 6 months time and want to speed things up so any advice recommended would be grateful ?

    My aim is to be lean not massive , but shredded , more definition , so to put size on on a cycle, then cutting phase best way to it is what I'm asking?

    Iv asked people I know but unsure if they even know what they are doing ,
    The responses iv had, use growth hormone , and test, then strip after 3 months.

    Another said use sus and deca . Cycle, once done use a stripper ie/ winnys or one rip chem?

    As I said I'm clueless all iv ever used is winstrol oral and
    No clue in this area.

    Someone shed light with best way for me to get this right. My nutrition and training is fine I'm in good shape already .

    Stats : 78-80kg
    27 years

    Cheers appreciated !!

  2. #2
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dec 2014
    You should look into hiring a coach. 6 months out is a long time. Im no coach and no nothing about competing, but you should be able to do a 12-14 week lean bulk, and use the remaining time to cut. With your lack of experience with different compounds, a test only cycle with a very clean diet will definitely give you some added size.

    the harder part is conditioning for the show. This is the time when it would be nice to have a coach, so he can make adjustmensts when needed. As you draw closer to the show adjustments may need to be made twice a week. There are some online coaches that can help.

    It wouldn't be good to follow what a lot of guys do leading up to shows, because you dont know bow your body will react to the compounds.

  3. #3
    Bpb is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    So you reccomend a test only cycle? As I said I'm not aiming to get massive , I just want more rounded definition and to look shredded along with it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    post a pic so we can see what you are starting be honest one cycle will probably not get you to where you want to be...understand that steroids are not magic first off and by your comment I don't want to get to big means research needs to be done before you start self medicating(there you will learn that diet not aas dictate how big you get)...I would start with the planning my first cycle sticky at the top of the forum it will answer all of your questions...good luck...

  5. #5
    Bpb is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    I know they ain't magic I train well I diet and eat well nutrition etc is good. I don't want to be massive because I'm competitions in fitness model category's and at around 78-82 no more so obviously I need to keep it lean . I just simply want to know what stuff is the best to use to gain that rounded more lean look . Not keen on posting a pic due to staying descreet ��

  6. #6
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Muscle roundness will be dictated by your muscle attachment points and genetics more so then gear you take. Secondly having muscle bellies full of glycogen and intracellular fluid will give the muscle additional roundness. There are many items that can help you develop, personally i would start with mild anabolics or a lower dose test only cycle. You can still post a picture without a face showing, unless you are covered in tattoos that can become identifying markers, like mine...LOL...i also agree about hiring a coach, you would be surprised how often i hear "i am already eating clean and training well" to find out there is much room for improvement. I am very anal about how i eat and weight out all my food yet i know there is room for improvement and i always adjust or improve on something that i do as continue on reading and learning. Or at the least post up your diet here and or training and let us help you dial things succeed in this sport you have to be willing to learn and be accepting of changes to what you are currently doing....anyway good luck...

  7. #7
    Bpb is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    Appreciate the feedback, yeah always willing to accept help lads hence why I'm on here, so test only cycle it is, il look into a coach also , so last point what test is it I use and how do I use it? what ml and where do I do it? Do you reccomend "spotting" ? Apologies if I sound a clueless **** but when it comes to gear I am that's why I'm asking haha 🙈

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