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Thread: cycle question

  1. #1
    hwkrunner is offline New Member
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    Feb 2016

    cycle question

    hey guys, need help putting together a cycle.

    5' 9"
    13% bf

    310 bench
    500 dead
    455 squat

    trying to put on some lean gainz, but most importantly want to stay dry and not carry the water weight.

    want to run for 16 weeks

    done Sust 250,Test E, deca , and Anadrol in past cycles

    Was thinking some sort of stack with Test E, EQ/Mast, and maybe another compound.
    Don't want to run a straight cut cycle though. preferably no tren , don't want the sides.


  2. #2
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Lean gains and little water retention are generated by your diet, water intake, correct AI protocol, cardio & training.

    All though some steroids such as deca , dbol and anadrol are often criticised for having bad water retention, any cycle with the correct discipline in the areas i mentioned above will achieve what your looking for.

    You could do test and deca, test and anavar , test deca & anavar

    Anything really, just make sure you have everything above perfected.

    If you know your maintenance diet, just increase it a little bit to gain, keep it clean, plenty of water and you can lean gain on any compounds.

    Gear such as Mast and Winny mainly give the dryer look, but only for those with low body fat (10% mark imo) mast i hear can give euphoric effects, and winny strength, but their main benefit is dry, hardness

    Your wanting the dry look, you need to get down to the 10% mark to benefit from those.

    You could work your assoff and do a light cut/prime and try to get down to 10% then cycle something like that. Or lean gain fromwhat you have now with any stack (mast and winny probably a waste at 13%+ body fat though, i wouldnt bother with those) - you say you dont want tren which is fair enough. EQ is often criticised as a waste of oil and needs to be ran very high dose fora long time to even see much effects.

    Id honestly hit test and nandrolone if i were you, maybe add an oral such as anadrol or anavar (front load or back load or pulse the oral) - depending on what esters your injectables are and the length of the cycle
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 03-29-2016 at 04:04 PM.

  3. #3
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hwkrunner View Post
    hey guys, need help putting together a cycle.

    5' 9"
    13% bf

    310 bench
    500 dead
    455 squat

    trying to put on some lean gainz, but most importantly want to stay dry and not carry the water weight.

    want to run for 16 weeks

    done Sust 250,Test E, deca , and Anadrol in past cycles

    Was thinking some sort of stack with Test E, EQ/Mast, and maybe another compound.
    Don't want to run a straight cut cycle though. preferably no tren , don't want the sides.

    How r u with pinning??

    Switch it up...go.ahort esters.

    Prop/npp/mast. (Good amount of volume in there though)

    Prop/mast and oral would be a way to go also. Pulsing the oral depending what u take

  4. #4
    hwkrunner is offline New Member
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    Feb 2016
    thanks for the info.. workin on that 10% number.. hard to hit with the calories up gaining mass.
    Ive thought about test e deca and anavar for the cycle

    ur def right about the diet though, last cycle that was the major reason I took on the water.

    you have any experience running hcg during cycle?

  5. #5
    DGenRit's Avatar
    DGenRit is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hwkrunner View Post
    thanks for the info.. workin on that 10% number.. hard to hit with the calories up gaining mass.
    Ive thought about test e deca and anavar for the cycle

    ur def right about the diet though, last cycle that was the major reason I took on the water.

    you have any experience running hcg during cycle?
    HCG should be run at 250iu 3x a week. Not more than that.

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