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Thread: Liquidex GTG?

  1. #1
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Liquidex GTG?

    Anyone confirm with blood work that liquidex is gtg?

    Also dosing question.
    Dbol 25mg/day (1-4)
    Test e 250 mg/week (1-12)
    Tren e 300mg/week (3-12)
    Hcg 250iu eod

    Adex 0.1mg eod ---> bc low test shouldn't this be sufficient to control E2?

    Caber on hand
    Nolva 20/20/20/20
    Clomid 50/50/50/50

    39yo 175# 8%bf (just got a dexa scan so that is legit)
    Multiple cycles under belt.

  2. #2
    upperhandy is offline Member
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  3. #3
    upperhandy is offline Member
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  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    The only way to know if your AI is dosed correctly is to have blood work mid cycle.

    IMO you should be taking 0.25mg of dex EOD.

    Dbol has a high aromatization rate and high e2 with a 19 nor is not a fun time.

    25mg/day of dbol is a waste of money.

    You should be taking 40-50mg/day.

    It would be a good idea to stop your tren a week or two before your test and double the nolva and clomid for week 1 of PCT.

    Also, it may be a good idea to take nolva for two more weeks, 6 in total.

  5. #5
    Kyle1337's Avatar
    Kyle1337 is offline Member
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    I'm running liquidex and my bloods should be here today.... I'll let you know.

    Well, my E2 is at 28 after 7 weeks into a 12 week test E cycle... I believe that is good, but I'm no expert on blood.
    Last edited by Kyle1337; 04-06-2016 at 09:12 AM.

  6. #6
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    The only way to know if your AI is dosed correctly is to have blood work mid cycle.

    IMO you should be taking 0.25mg of dex EOD.

    Dbol has a high aromatization rate and high e2 with a 19 nor is not a fun time.

    25mg/day of dbol is a waste of money.

    You should be taking 40-50mg/day.

    It would be a good idea to stop your tren a week or two before your test and double the nolva and clomid for week 1 of PCT.

    Also, it may be a good idea to take nolva for two more weeks, 6 in total.
    I've never run Dbol higher than 25mg/day and I've always gotten what I was looking for (strength gains while the longer ester kicks in). 0.25mg eod is protocol for 500mg test/week so I was thinking less would be sufficient, especially if I'm running a relatively low dose of dbol.

    I'll keep Adex at 0.1mg eod and get bloods done end of week 4.

    Thanks for checking in

  7. #7
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    I'm running liquidex and my bloods should be here today.... I'll let you know.

    Well, my E2 is at 28 after 7 weeks into a 12 week test E cycle... I believe that is good, but I'm no expert on blood.
    What dose liquidex you running? What's your cycle?

    Under 30pg/ml is pretty optimal. Seems like you got it dialed in.

  8. #8
    Kyle1337's Avatar
    Kyle1337 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by upperhandy View Post
    What dose liquidex you running? What's your cycle?

    Under 30pg/ml is pretty optimal. Seems like you got it dialed in.
    Head to my thread and it'll be all in the first post.

    First Cycle: 12 Weeks Test E 500mg

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