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  1. #1
    16ADAM16 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2016

    Tbol only 8 week cycle questions

    I plan on starting my 8 week tbol cycle this coming Friday without a test base as just a starter cycle. I will be taking 80mg a day for 8 weeks and a post cycle of nolva lined up with my source afterwards. My height is about 5'11 and weight 152lb. I've been gyming daily for about 2 months now after taking an extended break from the gym after around November. My gains are slowing to a crawl hence switching to a new p/p/l program and have been seeing small strength increases every few weeks. My source told me I could expect to retain about 5-10lb of muscle off cycle, however online it's been mixed answers seeing a lot of people claiming they gained roughly 20lb of muscle and retained 15lb etc. What's your guys' opinions? Is 15lb of muscle retention accurate or is my source right on the money? Please no pestering about adding a test base and so on, I know I won't be getting the same results without it not too mention the apparent health risks, however as my first cycle this is what I plan on doing and I don't want to change it. Any and all feedback is appreciated!

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    DONT do an oral only cycle, you'll gain nothing other than health issues with your proposal at any age let alone 18.

    DO start eating more. It's the only way you will gain.

    If you are 152lbs at 5'11 you need to eat eat eat. Why do you think AAS will fix your gains problem?

    Please post your daily weight gain diet with macro's.

  3. #3
    Thunderx is offline New Member
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    Feb 2016
    are you ****ing crazy??!!! first cycle and 80mg of tbol?? and second DONT do an oral only cycle its waste of money and your health

  4. #4
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    You have been training for 2 months, and now planning an oral only cycle.

    You need to work on your training and eating my friend, steroids arent going to do nothing for you.

  5. #5
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How did you come to 80mg of tbol, and tbol alone. This is a recipe for ED, and a wbole lot of other problems. If your 18, 5'11", and only 152 pounds, steroids is not the answer to gaining weight. If you aren't gaining weight without anabolics, your not going to gain much with them.

    I have never used tbol, but I know experienced tbols users that stick with 40-60mg per day, for around 4-6 weeks.

    if you follow through with your plan your going to wish you didn't. If you listen to some of the guys and gals in the nutrition section you will start to see results. They will come faster than you ever imagined, continue that for 6-8 years, then think about AAS. At 18 years old do you really want to have to take viagra or ciallis. It would be pretty embarrassing to not be able to perform when you bring home a smoking hot girl.

  6. #6
    mike198's Avatar
    mike198 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2015
    You've got no business doing your proposed cycle. At 5'11" you should get up to a solid 200 lbs completely naturally through proper training and nutrition.

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