I'm a long time lurker of the board and would like a tinge of input on an upcoming cycle ) about 30 days from now ) which will be my first time implementing Tren A.
About Me:
6ft -195lbs - 12-14% body fat.
Extremely healthy diet for nearly 6 years now with a very receptive body to nearly anything I want to do to it.
My cycle will consist of:
75mg Tren A EoD - Week 1-10
400mg Test Cyp 2xpw - Week 1-10
Now my questions are the following:
1) My blood results show on the lower end of testosterone (350). Would it be wise to compensate on the Test Cyp to offset the already low levels, or has anyone experienced this before and during PCT it caused more trouble than it was worth ? (My libido is amazing for my age and stress levels I think)
2) With the dozens of different articles on AIs and Tren , ( I'd call it a 50/50 shot on either side of gyno sides ) , has anyone experienced better or worse results implementing , say Aramidix On cycle or PCT?
3) As opposed to leaving a blank TREN A and Test Cyp cycle, would adding 20-30mg of DBOL EoD have any effect at all on me? ( I realize everyone is different, more or less would it be Needed to add a bit more mass? ) First time I ran DBOL I encountered the dreaded Puffy Nips! But was running about 50mg per Day then. Hence, the low level request for info now lol. Thanks for the input guys and gals... Looking more for Personal preference here than science, I have notebooks FULL of that shit.