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Thread: I am on TRT, do I still need a PCT?

  1. #1

    I am on TRT, do I still need a PCT?

    Hi everyone!

    Like I said in the title, I am on TRT and have been on it for 3 years or so. The main reason for a PCT is to get your natural test levels back and going again, right? Well, since I am on Nebido, will I still need to do a PCT? My test levels are never going to be suppressed since I keep adding test all the time. So, after a 8-12 week cycle, all I would have to do is just take a shot of Nebido and rest for 6 weeks....right? Will I need to do a pct for any other reasons besides the test levels?

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    No PCT required at all, just go back to your normal Nebido protocol.

    You will need to add an AI and probably should be taking HCG anyway.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    No PCT required at all, just go back to your normal Nebido protocol.

    You will need to add an AI and probably should be taking HCG anyway.
    Thanks for the answer! I was under the impression that I only would need to take an A.I if I started to notice signs of gyno and I have a hard time getting my hands on HCG.

    I am preparing to do my first stacking cycle. I have done test cycles before, T-enh 500mg e5d, and never really noticed any sides.

    Now I am not sure exactly what I am going to take yet because I currently live in China and some stuff is pretty hard to find without the right connections. It might be DECA or durinabol. Tren is pretty easy to find here but I dont want to mess with that yet (if ever). If I could chose, I would do a T-Bol cycle as I've heard its a pretty good cycle for beginners and a lot easier on the liver than d-bol but I just cant find it here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    If you was on an AI while taking Nebido before cycle then go back to that dose if not. I would run your AI dose on cycle for 7 to 10 after your last pin.

    If you don't plan to run an AI while on cycle.. I wouldn't cycle, need to have it on cycle...along with HCG

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