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Thread: HELP! Blood work came back and things are out of order. (ANAVAR)

  1. #1

    HELP! Blood work came back and things are out of order. (ANAVAR)

    Just finishing up 5 weeks of Anavar. Was planning on doing six but am going to stop now because of lab results. First cycle I've done since a couple of Test runs in college 10+ years ago.

    Week 1 40mg ED
    Week 2-5 60mg ED

    Did not get bloodwork done before I started. (stupid)

    Blood work was done after the completion of 4 weeks of Anavar.

    Lipid Panel
    Cholesterol, Total (284) HIGH
    Triglycerides (169) HIGH
    HDL Cholesterol (20) LOW
    LDL Cholesterol Calc (230) HIGH

    Testosterone, Serum (131) LOW


    HELP. I'm really worried about these numbers. What should I do? I did not tell my doctor that I was taking Anavar. Should I start a PCT? Or just stop putting chemicals into my body all together? The doctor wants to put me on Lipitor and Test patches. I told her that we will hold off for a month and get blood tested again in a month.

    How can I get things back to normal asap before next months blood work? Also, I got a prescription for finasteride because my hair started to thin while on the cycle. Is it safe to start that prescription asap or should I wait for a month? Thank you for your time and advise.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Orals mess up cholesterol. And you should never run a cycle without test as your base being a male. What you did was entirely wrong.

    Read thru all the pct thread and pray you go back to normal test levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by murtyshoemaker View Post
    Just finishing up 5 weeks of Anavar. Was planning on doing six but am going to stop now because of lab results. First cycle I've done since a couple of Test runs in college 10+ years ago.

    Week 1 40mg ED
    Week 2-5 60mg ED

    Did not get bloodwork done before I started. (stupid)

    Blood work was done after the completion of 4 weeks of Anavar.

    Lipid Panel
    Cholesterol, Total (284) HIGH
    Triglycerides (169) HIGH
    HDL Cholesterol (20) LOW
    LDL Cholesterol Calc (230) HIGH

    Testosterone, Serum (131) LOW


    HELP. I'm really worried about these numbers. What should I do? I did not tell my doctor that I was taking Anavar. Should I start a PCT? Or just stop putting chemicals into my body all together? The doctor wants to put me on Lipitor and Test patches. I told her that we will hold off for a month and get blood tested again in a month.

    How can I get things back to normal asap before next months blood work? Also, I got a prescription for finasteride because my hair started to thin while on the cycle. Is it safe to start that prescription asap or should I wait for a month? Thank you for your time and advise.
    Only one pill of anavar can raise cholesterol,so just stop it.
    Start the pct asap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    All I can say, incorporate daily cardio something ~60bpm mark and just little above, keeping the steady phase.
    Consume lots of omega3 high in EPA and DHA, eat great deal of avocados daily, use some quality raw coconut oil,
    Avoid simple sugars and stay active but not over-hyper active,
    Of course if you havent already - buys some NAC and incorporate in to your daily routine ASAP I would suggest 1200-2000mg every day, split the dosage and dont forget drink lots of water everyday.
    Also, get quality sleep at least 7-8h every night, if during the day feel like pulling for a nap - go for it 30-60mins its good option, dont oversleep during the day as night time would be hard task to get to bed

    You could also look in to some extra quality liver detox solutions but do a research before you decide what to take, not to overload yourself with unnecessary.
    PCT is also a must and do read in on HCG prior PCT, aka Power PCT by Dr Scally

    Good luck

  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies. My trainer said that the low test is normal with Anavar and will come back after PCT.

    A little background, I was training and dieting good from Sept-Jan. Then injured my rib snowboarding in mid January. I took 8 weeks off from working out to heal the rib. During this time I ate like shit and drank a good amount of alcohol. He says that is why my cholesterol/liver labs are so high.

    *Diet has been on point during whole Anavar cycle and no alcohol has been consumed during this time.

    He suggests continuing my Anavar for 1-2 more weeks to complete the 6 or 7 week cycle and then get on PCT. Is he out of his mind or does he speak some truth? Are my levels so high (and low) that I should immediately stop the cycle and get on PCT asap?

    Any insight on how soon I can safely start my finasteride prescription?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    sure he is not going to live with YOUR LIVER PROBLEM, take care of yourself first, heal, run tests again and evaluate, and never ever run oral-only cycle ever again.

    think using more your own head rather than someone elses who wont be there for you when youre really in trouble nor will take any responsibility for his mistakes and for your actions, take care of your health first, then go for results, and most of all - educate yourself, please read this:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by murtyshoemaker View Post
    Thanks for the replies. My trainer said that the low test is normal with Anavar and will come back after PCT.

    A little background, I was training and dieting good from Sept-Jan. Then injured my rib snowboarding in mid January. I took 8 weeks off from working out to heal the rib. During this time I ate like shit and drank a good amount of alcohol. He says that is why my cholesterol/liver labs are so high.

    *Diet has been on point during whole Anavar cycle and no alcohol has been consumed during this time.

    He suggests continuing my Anavar for 1-2 more weeks to complete the 6 or 7 week cycle and then get on PCT. Is he out of his mind or does he speak some truth? Are my levels so high (and low) that I should immediately stop the cycle and get on PCT asap?

    Any insight on how soon I can safely start my finasteride prescription?
    High cholesterol is from anavar,as i said above,only one pill can raise ldl cholesterol and lower hdl.Also if your libido isn't at the sink now,it will be when you stop taking anavar.
    As far as testosterone concern,probably it will go up(not at the previous levels for sure) but it will take time,so stop the anavar asap,cuz your wasting your health and money for a little results,if any at all,cuz after anavar,your natural test levels will be very low,and you will lose gains very fast.Oral cycles without test as a base are useless and dangerous (i am talking from first hand experience).
    Start a good PCT.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by murtyshoemaker View Post
    Just finishing up 5 weeks of Anavar. Was planning on doing six but am going to stop now because of lab results. First cycle I've done since a couple of Test runs in college 10+ years ago.

    Week 1 40mg ED
    Week 2-5 60mg ED

    Did not get bloodwork done before I started. (stupid)

    Blood work was done after the completion of 4 weeks of Anavar.

    Lipid Panel
    Cholesterol, Total (284) HIGH
    Triglycerides (169) HIGH
    HDL Cholesterol (20) LOW
    LDL Cholesterol Calc (230) HIGH

    Testosterone, Serum (131) LOW


    HELP. I'm really worried about these numbers. What should I do? I did not tell my doctor that I was taking Anavar. Should I start a PCT? Or just stop putting chemicals into my body all together? The doctor wants to put me on Lipitor and Test patches. I told her that we will hold off for a month and get blood tested again in a month.

    How can I get things back to normal asap before next months blood work? Also, I got a prescription for finasteride because my hair started to thin while on the cycle. Is it safe to start that prescription asap or should I wait for a month? Thank you for your time and advise.
    I wouldnt be too worried since you pulled the numbers as soon as you finished, me personally would of waited about a month.

    You got good advice about and yes start your prescription not a problem

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Your trainer is a jackass. He shut your test production down. It's not guarantee it will comeback after pct. it probably will but not a guanantee back to your normal level.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    1) You're taking anavar by it self.

    2) No test to keep you functioning as a normal male.

    3) adding finasteride in which will most likely hurt your sex drive more.

    I think you are on the road to screwing yourself up. Not only because your cholesterol and liver but by running an oral only cycle, you are going to shit yourself down with no gains.

    Hire a new trainer

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murtyshoemaker View Post
    My trainer said that the low test is normal with Anavar and will come back after PCT.
    Think about that statement. So why on earth would anyone recommend doing it? Risk to benefit ratio.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Iceberg View Post
    Your trainer is a jackass. He shut your test production down.
    Absolutely is.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Any liver panel? Always pull liver tests when on orals, at least alt and ast.

    Anavar is bad on cholesterol and it will supress testosterone, wheres the surprise?

    Have you started pct yet?

  13. #13

    Do you mean you wouldn't be too worried about all the numbers since I pulled them mid-cycle? Maybe a month from now things will have time to straighten themselves out? I am scheduled to get more blood work done a month from now as well.
    Last edited by murtyshoemaker; 04-15-2016 at 08:35 PM.

  14. #14
    Mr. BB

    AST (41) HIGH
    ALT (51) HIGH

    Should I be concerned?

  15. #15
    I was supposed to start PCT a week from Monday after a 6 week cycle of Anavar. I am now going to cut the cycle short at 5 weeks.

    QUESTION; I read you are supposed to start PCT the day after you take your last pill. Since I am stopping anavar now (Friday morning) will I suffer more if I have to wait till Monday to get my PCT (I can't get it before then.) OR should I continue the anavar for the next two days then start the PCT on Monday when I get it. What's better for me? Thanks.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by murtyshoemaker View Post
    Mr. BB

    AST (41) HIGH
    ALT (51) HIGH

    Should I be concerned?
    No, those values are ok.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Do a 4 weeks SR9009 cycle. Its the best cardiovaskular medicin on the market. It lowered my restpuls with 15 beats in just two weeks.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by murtyshoemaker View Post
    I was supposed to start PCT a week from Monday after a 6 week cycle of Anavar. I am now going to cut the cycle short at 5 weeks.

    QUESTION; I read you are supposed to start PCT the day after you take your last pill. Since I am stopping anavar now (Friday morning) will I suffer more if I have to wait till Monday to get my PCT (I can't get it before then.) OR should I continue the anavar for the next two days then start the PCT on Monday when I get it. What's better for me? Thanks.
    A couple of days won't make a difference but you should have had your pct before you started.

    And sack your trainer/dealer or whatever he is, he is dangerous for your health not good for it.

    At least you came here for the correct advice.

  19. #19
    I got my hands on Tamoxifen and Mesterlone tonight. After further research looks like Mesterlone might mess me up even more so I'm going to drop that from the plan. Going to start the Tamoxifen tomorrow. 40/20/20/20 or 40/40/20/20?

    Edit: Does Tamoxifen have any cholesterol/hair loss negative sides I should be concerned with?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Yea, your trainer is a JackAss!!!! Never, Never, Never run any gear without Testosterone!!! I just don't understand why people would do that???

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Do a 4 weeks SR9009 cycle. Its the best cardiovaskular medicin on the market. It lowered my restpuls with 15 beats in just two weeks.
    How is this comment useful in this thread?

  22. #22
    Looks like I have enough Nolva for 2 weeks at 40mg ED. What's better 3 weeks at 40/20/20 OR 2 weeks at 40/40? I could get more if needed.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by murtyshoemaker View Post

    Do you mean you wouldn't be too worried about all the numbers since I pulled them mid-cycle? Maybe a month from now things will have time to straighten themselves out? I am scheduled to get more blood work done a month from now as well.
    Correct, see where u are at a month from now. But if your going to start pct now then maybe wait 6-8 weeks after pct is done to have bw pulled
    Last edited by FONZY007; 04-16-2016 at 03:44 PM.

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