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Thread: want help Different from steroids

  1. #1

    want help Different from steroids

    Age 24 unmarried, doing workout from 2 years, thinking to do a steroid cycle, but my I hv a problem which going serious from some months, I got nightfall ever 3 to 4 days, I nvr hand practice becoz it decreases our test lvl, but nightfall every 3rd or 4th day making me crazy, now I got tensed abt this, is there anything I m doing wrong, should I discuss with a doctor.plz help

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    whats nightfall?

  3. #3
    Sperm ejaculate during sleep

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Amitantil343 View Post
    Sperm ejaculate during sleep
    So... a wet dream?! Well that's what we've(Americans) have always said... Your 24? I thought I read first that it his was happening 3-4x a wk, but rather every 3-4days... Have you ever spike to anyone about this? Have you ever gotten your test levels checked(meaning maybe their actually high(er) than normal?!?! Idk this is speculation I'm no Dr! But hell, it's happened to probably most of the population... Going thru puberty it's quite normal, as well as if you've not had any release. Do you have a gf? If so get her to help you with this release or backup problem... Not trying to be an ass at all so don't take this as me trying to belittle you in any way!

    Sounds as if it Could it be phsycological now?! Sounds like your stressing hard about this... What do you think about before falling asleep? Sex?! Unconconciously you could be, therefore, having these dreams... Your cortisol(stress) maybe very high... Do you have anxiety and If so is just regarding this?

    If it's bothering you that bad I'd seek professional help... Whether it's your primary first or a psychologist... Just my .02 I'm sure others will be along to see if they can help, also! Best of luck and stop beating yourself up!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Yes I agree with Nach. Stop stressing about it bro. Just relax, try to clear your mind before falling asleep. Look at the bright side. Nightfall is better than Nightmare! Best of luck.

  6. #6
    Thnx, I will do my testerone lvl test and one more thing is also right abt stress, my job is stressful this can be a reason, I nvr think abt sex before sleeping but got sexy drms :-P after my test lvl result I will consult to doctor also.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    This is usually a sign of high test levels. That, and not having a release. This is why a lot of people experience it during puberty. Try to rub one out a couple times a week, and things should get better.

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