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Thread: Back after ten years and ready to nmy second cycle

  1. #1

    Back after ten years need some advise please !

    Hi guys !

    Do need your advise on my second cycle ever (yes I am kind of a "newbie" )

    So here it goes my history: when I was 35 I did my first cycle.

    My first cycle was a 12 week long tes cycle:

    week 1-12: 250 + 250 of Test En + 500 IU of HCG per shot of test (first week 250+250+250 of Test En for frontload)

    I also did T-Bol , but I cant remember the dosages

    Liver protection: Liv 52

    PCT: 4 week Nolvadex 40-40-20-20 (ED)

    I run smooth and it had its impacts on cholesterol levels (recovered after a while).

    Now I am 45 and definitely need to do another cycle (this time a cutting cycle).

    A friend of mine advise me of doing a Anavar cycle and perhaps also some winstrol (int his case injectable , I always prefer injectables due to liver impact).

    After some research I think I am not so keen on winnie due to the side effects (joint pain, etc)

    I am going to post my cycle on the appropriate section and see if I can get some advise.

    Duration: 8 weeks

    Anavar: 50mg ED

    HCG: 500 UI twice a week

    Liver protection (very important to me): Liv .52 (I already read somewhere that there are better solutions, but I wasn't able to understand which one is better)

    PCT: 4 week on Nolvadex 40-40-20-20

    One thing important ! I do tend to loose some hair, so I will have to take something to minimize losses.

    Do you think I should add Winnie ? Anything instead of winnie ?

    I deeply appreciate your advises !
    Last edited by lionmanpt; 04-16-2016 at 02:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Where they take my ass
    What are your current stats?

  3. #3
    229 pounds , 22%BF , 5.93 foot (I think the units are correct).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I recommend that you get down to 15% bf before cycling. You will probably have issues with blood pressure and cholesteral. I am traditional and believe that cutting with AAS is to get that last little bit. The rest is diet and exercise. AAS is not a magical solution. I know that not everyone shares my beliefs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Don't take orals without a testosterone base, you are asking for trouble and poor results..especially for the problems oral only causes. If you are going to run a correct pct, why not add some testosterone, get better results, and feel better? Good luck

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I recommend that you get down to 15% bf before cycling. You will probably have issues with blood pressure and cholesteral. I am traditional and believe that cutting with AAS is to get that last little bit. The rest is diet and exercise. AAS is not a magical solution. I know that not everyone shares my beliefs.
    Thanks for your honest answer. I have my blood pressure and cholesterol controlled. The fact is that my sterngth levels are not the same of 10 years ago (go figure why :-) ).

    I reached I point were I feel I need some "extra boost" (and please notice that in 10 years I only did one cycle due to the fact that my health comes first).

    Either way thanks for your opinion.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    Don't take orals without a testosterone base, you are asking for trouble and poor results..especially for the problems oral only causes. If you are going to run a correct pct, why not add some testosterone, get better results, and feel better? Good luck
    The issue is that if Test is a good solution for cutting ? (my first cycle was with Test En and I got some pretty good results, but the objective was bulking)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Cutting come by strict diet and strict cardio of course aas have its place but first of all is the diet and the cardio and the weight lifting, I suggest you lower your body fat to 15% then do 500test and 300 mast mast is great for cutting, starting cycle with high body fat is not advised imo you bc you will deal with more testosterone converting to estrogen bc of the high body fat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by lionmanpt View Post
    The issue is that if Test is a good solution for cutting ? (my first cycle was with Test En and I got some pretty good results, but the objective was bulking)
    Of course it is. You can cut with ANY compound, diet/nutrition and cardio is what dictates results. NEVER run orals without testosterone as a base. Don't take my word for it if you want but you will wish you did ...especially if you are running a pct, why not run test?! lol. Also you shouldn't do ANYTHING if you arent below 15% bodyfat. You dont need steroids to lose body fat at a good pace if you are above 15%. Good luck

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    Of course it is. You can cut with ANY compound, diet/nutrition and cardio is what dictates results. NEVER run orals without testosterone as a base. Don't take my word for it if you want but you will wish you did ...especially if you are running a pct, why not run test?! lol. Also you shouldn't do ANYTHING if you arent below 15% bodyfat. You dont need steroids to lose body fat at a good pace if you are above 15%. Good luck
    Thanks for your advise.

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