Hey Guys,
I have ran 2 cycles in the past, I'm currently in the progress of getting back into shape to begin another cycle. Please note it will be a while before I cycle again, I need to get back in shape. Been back at the gym for roughly 3 month now.
5 ft 8
160 Lbs
9.75% BF
2 past cycles
To have a little more size, become leaner in time.
Current Status
I've been on a calorie deficit, working in the gym 3-4 days, and cardio on 3 days too. I've lost around 9 Lbs of pure fat.
Speaking to Marcus he highly recommends priming before a cycle, so he helped me out. I'm going to Carb cycle and gradually bring my calories up from my current deficit into a maintenance. I will run low carbs 3 days/week and high once to re-feed.
80 carb
220 prot
45 fat
1600 cal
300 carb
160 prot
Small as Possible
This will go on for approx 8 to 10 weeks to prime me ready for cycle.
Cycle Plan:
1 - 8 : Test Prop @ 125mg EOD
1 - 8 : HCG @ 250 x2/week (finishing 3 days before PCT)
1 - 8 : Adex @ 0.25 EOD
Orals: (open to advice)
Either, Dbol: 1 - 4 @ 30mg/ED
OR, Var: 4 - 8 @ 50mg/ED
PCT: (3 days after last pin)
40/20/20/20 - Nolva
50/50/50/25 - Clomid
Supps on Cycle:
Fish Oil
Multi Vitamin
Completely open to all advice, Thanks!