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Thread: Preparing for a Future Cycle: Open to Tips Test Prop/Dbol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Preparing for a Future Cycle: Open to Tips Test Prop/Dbol

    Hey Guys,

    I have ran 2 cycles in the past, I'm currently in the progress of getting back into shape to begin another cycle. Please note it will be a while before I cycle again, I need to get back in shape. Been back at the gym for roughly 3 month now.

    5 ft 8
    160 Lbs
    9.75% BF
    2 past cycles

    To have a little more size, become leaner in time.

    Current Status
    I've been on a calorie deficit, working in the gym 3-4 days, and cardio on 3 days too. I've lost around 9 Lbs of pure fat.

    Speaking to Marcus he highly recommends priming before a cycle, so he helped me out. I'm going to Carb cycle and gradually bring my calories up from my current deficit into a maintenance. I will run low carbs 3 days/week and high once to re-feed.

    80 carb
    220 prot
    45 fat
    1600 cal

    300 carb
    160 prot
    Small as Possible

    This will go on for approx 8 to 10 weeks to prime me ready for cycle.

    Cycle Plan:
    1 - 8 : Test Prop @ 125mg EOD
    1 - 8 : HCG @ 250 x2/week (finishing 3 days before PCT)
    1 - 8 : Adex @ 0.25 EOD

    Orals: (open to advice)
    Either, Dbol: 1 - 4 @ 30mg/ED
    OR, Var: 4 - 8 @ 50mg/ED

    PCT: (3 days after last pin)

    40/20/20/20 - Nolva
    50/50/50/25 - Clomid

    Supps on Cycle:
    Fish Oil
    Multi Vitamin

    Completely open to all advice, Thanks!
    Last edited by Muse; 04-18-2016 at 12:27 PM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    You really need to get back in the gym and build the muscle you have lost since you have been out of the gym.

    I wouldn't carb cycle 6 low 1 high - I would read my priming thread

    I think your a bit off cycling and if your aims are a bit bigger and a touch leaner, why would you cycle?

  3. #3
    Also, judging from your avi and your earlier posts, you are nowhere near 9% bodyfat.
    You would have a very defined 6 pack at 9%.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Also, judging from your avi and your earlier posts, you are nowhere near 9% bodyfat.
    You would have a very defined 6 pack at 9%.
    The avi was from last year, 12 months old. Using BF calipers I calculate 9.75% Bf. This was done 3 times and each time read within the ranges of 9.7 - 9.8. I'm all for receiving constructive criticism, but please do help me out and offer advice.

    Thanks Marcus, I've changed the frequency of refeeds. I thought I could increase the time without one. Because im currently in a deficit, how quickly can I jump back onto maintenance calories for the prime?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Muse
    The avi was from last year, 12 months old. Using BF calipers I calculate 9.75% Bf. This was done 3 times and each time read within the ranges of 9.7 - 9.8. I'm all for receiving constructive criticism, but please do help me out and offer advice. Thanks Marcus, I've changed the frequency of refeeds. I thought I could increase the time without one. Because im currently in a deficit, how quickly can I jump back onto maintenance calories for the prime?
    4 days ago you stated that you were trying to get a six pack on your cut and you can only see your top set of abs.
    Calipers are very inaccurate.
    IMHO... If you can't see your six pack then you are nowhere near 9.75%.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks mate appreciate it. I'll have to find a more accurate method, or post a pic in the forum for an estimate.
    Once I've been back into the gym for a further 6 months or so and feel ready would the posted cycle be OK?

    I'm unsure on the qualities of var for a clean bulk? Previously Dbol didn't really bloat me, but is it not required with the faster acting tProp. ?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Not trying to call you out, but the dog is rigth. Your avatar is not near a 9%. Look at the pics marcus is throwing at people these days. That 8-10% guy is from another planet than your avatar. I Thougth i was closing in on the 15% mark myself, but when i saw marcus pics i understood i was in the 20s...:-(

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks Guys! Wow... You're right, Although my upper abs are very visible, I doubt I'm actually 9.75% after looking at other photos! The only fat I seem to hold is over my lower abs haha. Disregards the cycle then, what should I do to get bit bulkier and lean enough to show my full 6 pack? Do I keep cutting with CC then clean bulk by increasing calories? Or viceversa?

    Apologies for the poor photo, plus I look deflated, no carbs for a few days too which wont help!
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image1.jpg 
Views:	121 
Size:	118.1 KB 
ID:	163016

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Bump, please can someone make an estimation for me?

  10. #10
    15% maybe 16%

    Hard to tell from a side view...

  11. #11
    No such thing as getting lean and bulking at the same time brother. You need to pick one. If you want to cut, then cut with diet, I wouldn't worry with AAS until you get to your desired BF, then bulk, I would use a long ester and a cyclical bulk approach to keep the bodyfat down and keep building muscle....i.e. 2 weeks caloric surplus"bulking weeks," followed by 1 week of caloric deficit "cutting week".

    This will do 2 things, one allow you to keep your hard earned physique reasonably lean while bulking, and prime your body so that you keep making progress rather than stalling out. Just my .02

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