Hey Guys,
I just wanted to get some advice/help with a cycle I'm currently on.
BW: 201 lbs
BF: Around 13%
H: 5'10
Age: 34
I have been lifting since I was 16 and train usually around 4-6 days a week solidly. Nutrition is good.
I have done a few Sustanon 250 cycles when I was around 20 years old but nothing for a long time, so Ive had a little bit of experience with AAS.
Here's what the plan was:
Week 1-12: Test E - 300mg / 2 x week
Week 1-3: Anavar - 50mg everyday (used it as a bit of a kickstart)
Week 11-14: Anavar - 50mg everyday
Week 8-12: HCG - 500iu / 2 x week (I'm not sure on the timing of this)
Weeks 14-18: Clomid - 100/50/50/50
Should I also take Nolva (40/20/20/20) in my pct in conjunction with Clomid?
Is Arimidex a must as well for PCT?
Any help/avice would be greatly appreciated. I am currently just starting week 6 and have put on around 10 lbs and feel a little leaner also. No signs of gyno as far as i can tell. I was really tired for the first 2 weeks which I think was the Anavar but I feel great now.