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Thread: Weird tren side effects help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Weird tren side effects help

    Currently running 100 test e a week and 400 tren e per week and it's been about a month. First week besides insomnia and loss of much appetite not much sides until about last week I noticed a lot of bloating no libido and thought to test my prolactin as I was lead to believe as long as retro is controlled no need for DA. And today got my results back

    Prolactin 4-15


    I did not test my estrogen tho and although I trust this source the thought of somehow throwing something in there worries me.

    Now I have ordered prami but I was wondering how much to take since my prolactin has already climbed up? And how long to see the libido return after taking the prami if prolactin is the culprit?

    Can prolactin increase bloating?

    Also I notice my strength flying but dam I just have no energy or motivation to work out. It's strange as each day feels like one of those horrible workouts you do after feel cheating on a cut and hitting the gym again. I hit pr's every time but I just feel so energy less and not motivated. Iv read about tren lowering thyroid and making people feel like this, would t3 25mcg a day relieve this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Forget about t3. Order some SR9009. Incredible endurance and energy from it. It also takes care of some of the tren sideeffects. Cholestrol, heartbeat, BP etc..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Forget about t3. Order some SR9009. Incredible endurance and energy from it. It also takes care of some of the tren sideeffects. Cholestrol, heartbeat, BP etc..
    Will look into in, any opinion on other concerns

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I dont think your e2 is a problem. 100 mg test e a week is below a trt dose and migth aswell be the reason why you not feel good.
    That with increased prolactin answers your problems as i see it.
    Solution; at least tripple your testdose and run an AI along with it. I have not tried prami, just caber, but to me the caber sides were worse than the sides of elevated prolactin. I dont know when the prami should kick in.
    But guys often respond on trenthreads so i guess others will fill in some prami info so you can compare with the googleinfo.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    I dont think your e2 is a problem. 100 mg test e a week is below a trt dose and migth aswell be the reason why you not feel good.
    That with increased prolactin answers your problems as i see it.
    Solution; at least tripple your testdose and run an AI along with it. I have not tried prami, just caber, but to me the caber sides were worse than the sides of elevated prolactin. I dont know when the prami should kick in.
    But guys often respond on trenthreads so i guess others will fill in some prami info so you can compare with the googleinfo.
    I'll wait for other inputs as 100mg a week is my trt dose putting me in the high 700s. I have zero libido whatsoever and having checked my blood on trt and being normal and the difference now adding tren and prolactin is very high I think it's safe to assume my libido problem from tren is prolactin based. Im wondering how much prami to take to lower my prolactin. I know it's recommended to start at.25 and work ur way to .50 Ed for tren cycles but should I start the first few days with a higher dose to lower my already high prolactin then continue to use .50ed?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Hey parkra would like to help you out but things might get confusing with having two threads on the same issue.

    Starting prami would be a good idea but don't start at 0.5mg or you risk becoming nauseous.

    With prami begin at .125mg ED before bed and titrate the dose every week until you get to 0.5mg. (eg 0.25 week 2, 0.375 week 3, etc.)

    What's your previous experience with tren?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by parkra View Post
    I'll wait for other inputs as 100mg a week is my trt dose putting me in the high 700s. I have zero libido whatsoever and having checked my blood on trt and being normal and the difference now adding tren and prolactin is very high I think it's safe to assume my libido problem from tren is prolactin based. Im wondering how much prami to take to lower my prolactin. I know it's recommended to start at.25 and work ur way to .50 Ed for tren cycles but should I start the first few days with a higher dose to lower my already high prolactin then continue to use .50ed?

    Tren shuts you down hard man, Silabolin is right, you up that test dose to at least 250 to 400 mg/week and you will probably feel better, I would go for 400 at the least.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Forget about t3. Order some SR9009. Incredible endurance and energy from it. It also takes care of some of the tren sideeffects. Cholestrol, heartbeat, BP etc..
    That's interesting. What dosages/regimen are you running with the SR9009?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    That's interesting. What dosages/regimen are you running with the SR9009?
    He has a nice log that's currently active in the SARMs forum.

    My SR9009 log

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    fwiw, i'm on my third test+tren cycle and have always run test at my trt levels. i have not OP's sides.

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