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Thread: Re-eq And Fina

  1. #1

    Re-eq And Fina

    I have a question for all , i am in my 8th week of EQ at 450 mg a week for a total of 13 weeks, i just found out that my source is now unable to get me some winstrol. Instead he is able to get me some fina instead. should i throw this into the mix or not? If so how much and for how long? Thanks for the feed back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The Netherlands

    re fina

    I wouldn't do it. You have been already on for 13 weeks which is long. Fina is something that will shut you down even harder, so it might make recovery much more difficult. I don't know your AS experience but fina is not beginners stuff.

    You can't compare fina with winstrol because it has much more sides and isn't used to solify your gains but rather to build them up (with a little test to keep your dick going). Although it is possible to do it.

    BTW. i would never start a cycle if i don't have all the juice i wanna take on that cycle.....

  3. #3
    any other responses?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    how many cycles, hcg or no?? etc... help me out here

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    by the way you could get it and run it 6 weeks, but why buy it when you can make it for cheeper??

  6. #6
    I would get the kit and make it my self with my friends help. In regards to hcg i can not get it ,just the typical clomid threapy afterwards. Like i said prior i am on my 8th week of E.Q. and wanted to know if it was advisable to throw some fina in . Or wait till i am done with the eq and then start up on the fina?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    I would finish out the cycle your on now. Use the fina next cycle with some test. Prop if you can get it. Week 8 is a bad time to start looking for things to ad.

  8. #8
    Thanks For The Info!

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