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  1. #1
    Spartan ^'s Avatar
    Spartan ^ is offline Associate Member
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    Cycle Critique... Old dog/New Tricks

    Let me get straight to it:

    38 years old
    16% bf
    On TRT
    Numerous cycles in my past

    It's been a while since I've pinned anything but test so I want some opinions. Here's what I'm contemplating:

    Wk 1-12 deca 450/wk
    Wk 1-12 test c 500/wk
    Wk 2-12 HCG 1000iu/wk
    Wk 1-12 Adex .5 eod

    No PCT since I'm on TRT.

    I realize the "standard" is 2x the amount of test than deca. Honestly, I've never had to go above 500mg/wk to see sizable gains. I have implemented deca in two other provirus cycles and it absolutely slammed my libido. I ran caber both times and progesterone leveled out and I rebounded fine. I'm wondering how much the HCG will help with that issue. First time running HCG so I'm really interested in some testimonials.

    Thoughts and critiques appreciated.

  2. #2
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Mar 2005
    Not sure where you read that the 'standard' is Test 2x that of Deca , but I've seen plenty run their Deca higher than Test. What is your TRT dose? I like the cycle you have laid out. Normally, it would be recommended to stop the Deca 2 weeks shy of Test, but since you're on TRT, your scheduling looks fine. I would personally start out at 500iu HCG /wk.

    I don't consider myself an expert on HCG, but I ran 2 cycles without it years and years ago, and I can tell you that recovery is much smoother when it is implemented.

    Good luck, Spartan!

  3. #3
    Spartan ^'s Avatar
    Spartan ^ is offline Associate Member
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    Tip Toein on Hells border
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Not sure where you read that the 'standard' is Test 2x that of Deca , but I've seen plenty run their Deca higher than Test. What is your TRT dose? I like the cycle you have laid out. Normally, it would be recommended to stop the Deca 2 weeks shy of Test, but since you're on TRT, your scheduling looks fine. I would personally start out at 500iu HCG /wk.

    I don't consider myself an expert on HCG, but I ran 2 cycles without it years and years ago, and I can tell you that recovery is much smoother when it is implemented.

    Good luck, Spartan!
    Thanks man. I agree on that the 2:1 test/deca ratio being bogus. I've run deca the same or higher myself. I've seen quite a few guys getting blasted for it though. Matter of opinion I suppose.

    Standard TRT dosage is 200mg every other week.

  4. #4
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    Thanks man. I agree on that the 2:1 test/deca ratio being bogus. I've run deca the same or higher myself. I've seen quite a few guys getting blasted for it though. Matter of opinion I suppose.

    Standard TRT dosage is 200mg every other week.
    Then you should grown nicely with 500mg per week, coupled with the 450mg of Deca. Happy growing!

  5. #5
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan ^ View Post
    Let me get straight to it:

    38 years old
    16% bf
    On TRT
    Numerous cycles in my past

    It's been a while since I've pinned anything but test so I want some opinions. Here's what I'm contemplating:

    Wk 1-12 deca 450/wk
    Wk 1-12 test c 500/wk
    Wk 2-12 HCG 1000iu/wk
    Wk 1-12 Adex .5 eod

    No PCT since I'm on TRT.

    I realize the "standard" is 2x the amount of test than deca. Honestly, I've never had to go above 500mg/wk to see sizable gains. I have implemented deca in two other provirus cycles and it absolutely slammed my libido. I ran caber both times and progesterone leveled out and I rebounded fine. I'm wondering how much the HCG will help with that issue. First time running HCG so I'm really interested in some testimonials.

    Thoughts and critiques appreciated.
    Any bloodwork plans?...I guess e2, BP and hematocrit and cholestrol would be important in your case.

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