
My info:
Age: 25
Been on TRT for ~1,5 years because of low TEST (not because of steroid abuse , unrelated)
Training experience: ~6 years, mostly bodybuilding
Current state: around 190 lbs, 11-13% bf, Nebido every 10 weeks
Current training: 6x lifting + 1x cardio per week (also 15min cardio in each lifting session)
Current nutrition: 3700kcal and slowly losing weight, have always tracked macros
Goal: shredded but not stage shredded, also some strength gains

Planning on doing an 8 week cutting cycle (no TRT at the same time, obviously) which would basically look like https://www.steroid.com/Intermediate...-Cycles-II.php but perhaps only 250mg TEST/week, not to go overboard.

If im currently slowly cutting at 3700, should I go lower on the cycle (I know my metabolism will actually be faster) to lose more bf knowing that I will retain my current muscle mass and perhaps even gain strength?
Should the cycle be 12 weeks instead of 8?
Any feedback you could possibly provide.