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Thread: Switching from adex to aromasin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Switching from adex to aromasin

    Never had a problem with controlling estrogen on cycle until now. was following Rich piana's bigger by the day and got carried away and let my bodyfat get to 18 percent. I've always been gyno prone. Anyway. On a cycle of test ent and deca. Since the estrogen problem I've dropped deca altogether and kept 500mg test a week and for the last week have been doing 1mg of adex a day. Hasn't seemed to help. So I figured my progesterone was messed. So I been at .75 prami for 3 days. which has helped. But hasn't relieved the sore itchy nipples. So I'm gonna up that to 1mg.

    Got small bumps developing under nipple. So I'm gonna start with 40nolva for a week then drop down to 20mg
    And keep prami until sides subside.

    How do I transition the adex to the aromasin. Do I need to do half and half for a while or can I just drop adex and start the aromasin? At 12.5mg a day correct?

    18%bf (always been skinny so this is extremely bad for me)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I'm sure you don't want to hear it but I have to say it anyway.

    Controlling e2 is more difficult the higher one's bf, this is why most advise not to cycle above 15% bf.

    You need to get blood work to assess your e2 and PRL levels before changing any AI administration.

    A hormone panel plus a sensitive e2 assay would be your best bet.

    IMO transitioning to stane at this point is not a good idea because if you really are having e2 issues stane will take about a week to reach peak plasma concentration.

    However, 24 hours after a 25 mg dose has been shown to reduce e2 by 70-80%.

    But those guys in that study weren't to 500mg/week of test and suffering from possible elevated e2.

    If you still choose to transition to stane 25 mg/day ingested with dietary fats (pb, fish oil, etc.) to aid in absorption, would be a better dose.

    The half life is about nine hours so it's good practice to take 12.5 mg twice per day, then adjust dosage according to blood work.

    The dex that you've been taking, is it pharma grade?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I agree in that I should get my bodyfat down. Got carried away with the number on the scale and strength increases. Anyway. The arimidex is R U I. Or formally known as lion. Used to be a board sponsor. Not sure if it is anymore. I've been told be several people that stane(aromasin) is far superior to adex. So I just got some and wanted to make the switch. I realized it takes a week for peak concentration. Hence my question about maybe mixing them at half dosages for a week or so? I've heard conflicting advice on this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by braer4 View Post
    I agree in that I should get my bodyfat down. Got carried away with the number on the scale and strength increases. Anyway. The arimidex is R U I. Or formally known as lion. Used to be a board sponsor. Not sure if it is anymore. I've been told be several people that stane(aromasin) is far superior to adex. So I just got some and wanted to make the switch. I realized it takes a week for peak concentration. Hence my question about maybe mixing them at half dosages for a week or so? I've heard conflicting advice on this.
    Both stane and dex are great, one is not better than the other.

    You likely have bunk or under dosed dex.

    It's really important to source pharma grade AIs and PCT meds.

    OP don't make the same mistake that may do who come here for advise.

    If you only follow through with the stuff that you want to hear then we're both wasting time here conversing.

    You need to have blood work before you change your AI protocol.

    Don't used two different AIs at the same time, pick one or the other.

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