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05-21-2016, 08:45 PM #1New Member
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Need Help Planning My Second Bulking Cycle
Background Information:
So I'm about to finish up my first 12 week cycle of Test E only (with adex, hCG , clomid/nolva PCT). I made some great gains and would like to start my second cycle in September. So far, all the bloodwork I've done has come back normal (*by normal, I mean test levels are high as expected, which confirms gear is working properly) and I had zero sides from the gear. My goal for my second cycle is to pack on as much mass as possible and to do one last cutting cycle next summer. I don't plan on using steroids for the rest of my life so I would just like to get as much as size as possible.
1. What is the best cycle for adding on size? I keep reading alot of conflicting information and I've done my research but now I'm even more confused than before. I would say I'm an intermediate level lifter but many of the stacks being posted around seem to be for highly advanced/bodybuilding competing athletes. For the record, money is not a big issue but just don't recommend anything crazy like Primo because I can't really afford a cycle that expensive. Also, I don't care about the duration of the cycle because I'll be starting my cutting cycle in May 2017, which is still very far away from now.
*If possible, I'd like to avoid any extreme sides like test flu, any extreme PIP, or anything damaging to my health in the long run.Last edited by thrw.w4y; 05-21-2016 at 10:14 PM.
05-21-2016, 09:38 PM #2
About to finish. Youre not done yet. All bw ok. So you got a midcycle bw with no values outside range? Lh too?. Sure.
Anyway. Most important BW is theone prior your next cycle. Your androgenstrength in the cycle should be based on that BW. That BW tell what bulkdrugs are the best for u
05-21-2016, 10:12 PM #3New Member
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I never said my mid cycle bloodwork had no values out of range. I think you were just assuming I said that and misunderstood my post. What I meant by "normal" was that my values, such as test, were as expected (as in high). They were much higher than the bloodwork values I had prior to the start of the cycle, confirming that the gear is working properly. I can't exactly get my post cycle blood work right now because I still haven't even started PCT. So are you saying I should wait until I get my last bloodwork results before making this post?
Also, thanks for the responding. Liked + Repped.
05-21-2016, 10:41 PM #4
Hehe, no man. I am not to tell you anything what to do or not. Ouch...guess superbadenglish, hope you understand.
But my main advice, t i would wait until the bloodwork 6 weeks after pct before i deceide what to go for next and celebrates my bodies healing capability.
Like, if your bloodpressure and cholestrol are very good, you may add an oral kickstarter u know, along with test and that another component (deca for most).
05-21-2016, 11:10 PM #5New Member
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Ok, I'll wait for the bloodwork then. What do you think about this cycle?
Week 1-12: Test E - 500mg/week
Week 1-8: Deca - 300mg/week
Week 1-6: Dbol - 30mg/day
Week 1-14: Arimidex - 0.25mg EOD
Week 15-18: Clomid - 50/25/25/25
Week 15-18: Nolva - 40/20/20/20
Also, do you think I have to run hCG with this cycle?
05-21-2016, 11:49 PM #6New Member
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Mate, I'm sorry but this is a stupid cycle for a 2nd cycle. You should run test a few times until you get your feet wet, then when you're ready slowly increase the dose, maybe try the different esters, then you can consider stacking. You need to learn to crawl before you can walk, then once you can walk you can learn to run. If you try running straight away you'll fall on your face and you'll be in big trouble. Would you jump into a hot bathtub full of water without testing how hot it is first?
You can gain a lot of size just running test for a few cycles.Last edited by username101; 05-21-2016 at 11:55 PM.
05-22-2016, 12:09 AM #7New Member
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Thanks for the reply. Well, that was just a cycle I made up from the comments Silabolin gave me. Also, this discussion is the entire reason I'm here. I'm new to gear so any feedback is great and I'm gaining more knowledge whenever people reply. What would you suggest for a second cycle then? Test E only at 500mg/week again?
Also, Liked + Repped.
05-22-2016, 01:57 AM #8New Member
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Honestly I'm only new here mate, I'm sure there are a lot of other members who know a lot more about cycles than me, that being said I can give you my opinion on what I would do if I was you.
I would suggest trying different esters. My first cycle was sustanon and I ran 300mg for 10 weeks.
These are the before and after pics I took from my cycle.
I got pretty good results on sustanon for my first cycle. I cycled Test E on my second cycle at 500mg and didn't get anywhere near as good results. I gained some weight and put on some muscle but my body didn't react as fast and I didn't feel anywhere near as good. My body reacted better to sustanon than it did to Enanthate .
My mate loves cypionate he swears by it. I tried it once and didn't like it. I had bad mood swings and felt annoyed at everything. I got good gains but didn't maintain them post cycle, not sure why but it didn't mix well with me.
You just need to experiment. If you like test E then maybe try test E at 600mg for 12 weeks and see how you go, or take a chance with another ester and see if you get better results.
It's all about trial and error, what works for me might not work for you and what works for you might not work for me.
My mate gained a lot of muscle of the same cycle of Test E I was on, but I didn't gain as much as him.
Oh and I forgot to add this in. I am stronger and train harder than my mate, but he still gained more, so really it's just a lottery if you hit the right numbers you're a winner, if you don't, try again and see if you have better luck.Last edited by username101; 05-22-2016 at 02:01 AM.
05-22-2016, 03:15 AM #9
If you extend the deca to 10 weeks, that would be a real good cycle for mass.
But i also agree on that member who said it would be a long jump.
Quit the russians at week 4. By then the rest should kick in. But maybe you should use Superdrol instead. Then you will not face waterretention and the nasty sides that comes.
Just be more strict with liverdetox.
Clomid 100 50 50 50 and the nolva.
You should run HCG the last 4 weeks of the cycle. Not in pct and not through your cycle, but this one is a touchy subject in here.
But, if your bloodwork is not like a 17 year old virgin, you should wait with the orals until you got more experience and knowhow to gear with nonsuperb bloods:-)Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-22-2016 at 03:18 AM.
05-22-2016, 09:21 PM #10New Member
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05-22-2016, 09:23 PM #11New Member
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Hey, thanks for the reply. I think I'll run this for my third cycle then. Just confirming, by russians, you mean dbol right? Also, does the nolva PCT stay the same at 40/20/20/20?
05-23-2016, 06:07 AM #12
yes..russians = dbol norway we call..dbol not sure if its the same in english:-)
05-23-2016, 08:23 AM #13New Member
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My second cycle I ran:
Week 1-4: 50mg dbol /ED
Week 1-14: 750mg TestE/wk
Week 1-19: 12.5mg aromaxyl/ED
Week 10-14: 50mg dbol/ED
Week 15-16: 100mg Clomid/ED
Week 17-18: 75mg Clomid/ED
Week 19: 50mg Clomid/ED
Went from about 190lbs- 230lbs by the end. Obviously a ton of water, and lost most of it, but strength and some size seemed to stay quite a bit!
Probably a lot of guys who hate me for my bullshit cycles like this though... lol
05-24-2016, 10:43 AM #14Associate Member
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Hell, that looks like a good second cycle to me. Shoot, I run that every year with great results. My second cycle was similar without the dbol .
You might want to jack up the Arimidex to .5 EOD but you can play that by ear so to speak. Some guys are more sensitive than others. Start feeling like a chick with PMS? Up the dose a little (and I mean a little).
You'll get a ton of mass of that stack but don't expect much to stay. There is going to be a lot of water in there. Make sure to keep a close eye on your BP, too.
Good luck and keep us posted!
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