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  1. #1
    bobtail is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2012

    Pre-contest conundrum

    Guys, I'm not sure what to do and thought maybe some of you competitors can help me out.
    I'm currently on a test c, eq, deca cycle for 12 weeks that should last until around July 4 (cutting).
    There is a show coming up Aug 6 and I thought I would give it a try (never competed before). So that gives me a month after the end of this cycle.
    I know nothing about pre-contest cycles and not sure how to run this. Haven't found a whole lot in my research either.
    The only short stuff I have is some test p, tren a, and npp. I've never tried tren before either so I'm hesitant to try it before a contest.
    Should I switch out to the short esters early? Run the short stuff for a month? Just go off before the show?
    Any help would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Running a cycle and then coming off everything a month before a show would be a disaster.

    You don't have to use short ester items for a show, you can prep with long or short esters or a mix of both. I've done most all my preps with Test-e and Tren -a, so that would be a mix of short and long esters.

  3. #3
    bobtail is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2012
    My initial thought was to drop out the deca a month from the show and up the EQ. Right now I'm doing this:
    500 - test c
    250 - EQ
    250 - Deca

    Maybe drop the test c down to 250 and up the EQ to like 500?

  4. #4
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would even drop think about dropping the deca at 6 weeks out and adding the tren at that time. Personally I would avoid having deca and tren in the cycle at the same time to avoid potential sides, but thats just me... not everybody will react the same.

    Although some competitors do keep the long ester test in their cycle up until show day, many others drop it due to potential water retention. For that reason I think it may be wise to start up on the prop at about 6 weeks out incase you decide to drop the test C a couple weeks out due to water retention issues.

    Without seeing pictures and seeing your progress from week to week it is really hard to advise on a cycle. If you don't already have a coach, I would suggest signing up with one!

  5. #5
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I am trying something different and out of my comfort zone. I did a short bulk and now cutting for a show.
    I stopped decca 10 weeks out. I would not take it down to 6 weeks. Too little time. I am presently on an anavar , tren , primo, prop, winnie cycle and started 8 weeks out. Once again, out of my comfort zone, but working so far.

  6. #6
    bobtail is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2012
    Good advice, guys!
    Since this is my first show, I'm not expecting to place high so this is going to be a learning experience.
    I'm going to try moving over to tren a at maybe 100 and test prop at 300 for the last 8 weeks and see how that goes.
    Sound like a plan?

  7. #7
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I always plan on placing high. I do not always, but it is a mental thing. Mwhen i know that there will be bigger people, i try to be cut to shreds. There are many dimensions to what the judges look for. Take one and try and be better than anyone else. The optimum is you are better than everyone in anything however this difficult.

  8. #8
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobtail View Post
    Good advice, guys!
    Since this is my first show, I'm not expecting to place high so this is going to be a learning experience.
    I'm going to try moving over to tren a at maybe 100 and test prop at 300 for the last 8 weeks and see how that goes.
    Sound like a plan?
    If you mean Tren-a at 100mg every other day, than yes, this is a better plan.

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