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Thread: Is it ok to stack dbol and clen?

  1. #1

    Is it ok to stack dbol and clen?

    Pretty sure dbol is hepatotoxic, so i was wondering if there are drug interactions involved with clen? Are there any specific cyp's (liver enzymes) involved in their metabolism? (Clen and dbol)

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Can you explain more, are you considering a dbol and clen cycle?
    what are your goals?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Can you explain more, are you considering a dbol and clen cycle?
    what are your goals?
    What i meant was is it to take clen with dbol, as i was pretty sure dbol hits the liver hard.
    Stats at the moment is
    Around 19% body fat

    Im pretty familiar with dbol being used for bulking phase but as for me I'm using it for performance enhancement as i do mma, and i also need to make weight

    The Cycle that i was thinking of using is for 8 wks
    Wk 1-8Testosterone Enanthate = 250mg once/wk
    Wk 1-4 Dianabol (Dbol ) = 30mg/day
    And then a two weeks on off cycle from 1st week to 8th

    That is if it is safe to use clen and dbol together without jacking up your liver too much

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The dbol clen synergy should not be your biggest concern here...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Holiday View Post
    What i meant was is it to take clen with dbol, as i was pretty sure dbol hits the liver hard.
    Stats at the moment is
    Around 19% body fat

    Im pretty familiar with dbol being used for bulking phase but as for me I'm using it for performance enhancement as i do mma, and i also need to make weight

    The Cycle that i was thinking of using is for 8 wks
    Wk 1-8Testosterone Enanthate = 250mg once/wk
    Wk 1-4 Dianabol (Dbol ) = 30mg/day
    And then a two weeks on off cycle from 1st week to 8th

    That is if it is safe to use clen and dbol together without jacking up your liver too much

    No comment on the d'bol/clen combo, but you won't like the 2 weeks on/2 weeks off approach with your test.

    Edit: I think you'll find this to be especially true if you're trying to make weight.
    Last edited by almostgone; 05-24-2016 at 03:21 AM.
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  6. #6
    Dbol retains HUGE amounts of water while the clen is shedding water. You sure you want to run dbol/clen in one cyle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Dbol retains HUGE amounts of water while the clen is shedding water. You sure you want to run dbol/clen in one cyle?
    I just wanted to comment on this having exactly this ^ in mind.

    I see them as two conflicting compounds. I would not recommend either but if its a must that needs to be done, I would think tbol and clen may seem better combo.

    However 19%BF is too high for dbol or any oral I believe, unless youre ready to manage your E2 sides

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