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Thread: winny/anavar stack?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb winny/anavar stack?

    I am going on a 4-6 cycle of winny but i am wondering....i need to gain strenght but no size, im my sport i can't afford to gain any weight....i am a firt time user and this is my first cycle. I have awsome workouts and a very strict diet. I have read in many places that anavar is an awsome strenghth steriod with no water retension and or weight gain. Is is possible to stack winstrol(depot) with anavar????with this help increase my strength and increase lean muscle mass w/little or no weight gain????or due to the fact this is my first cycle will i even need the anavar? thanx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Stacking two 17aa s maybe a little harsh on your liver bro, but I guess that will depend on your doses. Winny is most effectively ran at 50mg/ED for no more than 6wks for a newbie and ox should be ran from 20-40mg/ED depending on the quality. Ox is a great anabolic for strength gains without adding alot of mass, although it also can get very expensive. Give us some stats i.e. age, weight, training exp., etc., so that we more effectively put a cycle together.

  3. #3
    me and me friend are 18 i'm 5'11 225 have been lifting for 4 years and training for mix martial arts he is 18 5'8 180 same lifting experience i have a big build strong little husky he is solid and cut up pretty good already

  4. #4
    also all the research i did says win and anavar are not very harsh and i have 20 amps of win for 5 weeks what days should i inject and how much? should i get more?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Prop and Tren is what I would have used. Possibly masteron, halo, or var as well.

    The right anti-e coupled with the right diet and probally the most important in this circumstance of not gaining mass and only strength, your training, could have given you those results.

    I wouldnt take var and winny together either.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    18 years really should hold off..
    but the winny should be taken 50mg ed.youll need also may want to do some more research.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by mmafighter18
    me and me friend are 18 i'm 5'11 225 have been lifting for 4 years and training for mix martial arts he is 18 5'8 180 same lifting experience i have a big build strong little husky he is solid and cut up pretty good already
    18?? Bro my advice to you is to hold off on the anabolics for a few more years. Steriod use at too early of an age can mess with your growth, hormones, and glands. You have enough testosterone running through your body to put on loads of mass and to chase the chicks at the same time. Take some creatine, glutamine, quality protein, train hard, stay disciplined, eat right and come back and talk to us in a few more years. Good luck.

  8. #8
    I am aware we are young athletes but for the most part have complete puberty. I am the smaller one, the 180lber. I have done the protein, createin, and glutamine route. I still am planning on doing so. I train hard but i am training for the militray and want to comepet for ironman. Winny as read seems to have very few side affects. It doesnt aromatize, it will help me gain strenth, speed, and recovery, i am looking for that extra edge. As for my buddy he's going to play collage football and is looking for the same type of gains i am. He's not looking to get freaky huge. My workouts are awsome and i don't think 1 cycle of winny would do us any wrong. I could be mistaken. I am already in good shape and am looking to be in phenominal shape....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I don't like cycles combining 2 or more 17aa steroids. I also think you should wait until you're 21 or 22 years old. If you have talent you'll be fine until then.

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