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Thread: ive fucking had it with this acne

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    ive fucking had it with this acne

    might be breaking some rule about double posting, but i was unsure about with sub-forum to post this question in so here goes again

    So ive got this acne on my shoulders and chest for a while now, the shoulder acne is getting better then worse, then better again, but the chest one, while not being so spread out, i have this spot in the middle of my chest where i have one big ingrown cyst (i mean fucking huge) and like 4 spots of what you could call blood blisters??

    ive tried poking them with a needle (not an "injection" needle but a regular" and tried to drain them like that but that dont work

    so ive come to the conclusion that its probably time to seek medical help, but ive heard antibiotics and acne medicine is reeeal harsh on the liver, and this will clash with my cycle im gonna start at the end of the month containing 40mg dbol

    My question is, should i do what sounds the most logical and wait with the cycle, or could i do them both at the same time? or maybe start the acne medicine after im done with the dbol, like 2-3 weeks after the last dose of dbol..

    i posted here some weeks ago about a crazy bulking cycle containing deca , test, dbol and anadrol but i was adviced against that, doing whats best i listened to that advice and decided to run just test and dbol once again, so maybe you guys could help me with this one too?

    EDIT: since im including arimidex/aromasin in my next cycle maybe that will help? im guessing this has occured due to estrogen levels being out of control

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Postpone cycle, go to dermatologist, ask for accutane, do accutane treatment for 6-8 months, resume cycling when you're 25.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Just find a chick with acne, then at night u can take turns popping each others pimples.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    New York, NY
    Hey man - I totally feel you. i'm on my first test cycle (500-750 mg/week) and the acne has been bad. I shower twice a day just to make sure the oil doesn't build up on my skin from all the test. I'm 33 - and feel like acne shouldn't be an issue at my age but it is.

    A friend told me to get liv52 and take 2 pills in the morning and 2 in the evening (this is a liver supplement even though test only shouldn't affect my liver, he recommended it anyway). I also use the salycylic acne pads (like clearasil or oxy) at night before bed, AND after the shower and acne pads, i use vaseline men's body lotion to protect my skin and allow it to heal. This last one is important - your body will produce more oil to create a protective barrier if you don't moisturize. Since the acne bacteria feed on your skin's oil (sebum), it will create a breeding ground for more zits. I also change my sheets twice a week.

    My progress - for the past week my skin has been healing and the acne is not as bad as it was. It's a visible improvement on my arms, chest, and back. My face was always totally fine, it's the body acne that gets me.

    Lastly, I also take 1mg arimidex / day - a higher dosage seems to work for me and keeps my libido and energy levels up, if i miss even a day of adex I start to bloat and get tired. I noticed the acne is worse when I don't take adex. I don't understand how some guys are only taking .5mg EOD but i guess all of our bodies are different.

    Good luck - you're not alone. I know it sucks especially because it's beach season.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I've had good luck with the Proative stuff, but it gets pricey. My protocol is salicytic acid toner, and benzoyl peroxide lotion twice a day. I add sulfur spot treatments to dry out the really nasty spots.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by MusclePupInTraining View Post
    Hey man - I totally feel you. i'm on my first test cycle (500-750 mg/week) and the acne has been bad. I shower twice a day just to make sure the oil doesn't build up on my skin from all the test. I'm 33 - and feel like acne shouldn't be an issue at my age but it is.

    A friend told me to get liv52 and take 2 pills in the morning and 2 in the evening (this is a liver supplement even though test only shouldn't affect my liver, he recommended it anyway). I also use the salycylic acne pads (like clearasil or oxy) at night before bed, AND after the shower and acne pads, i use vaseline men's body lotion to protect my skin and allow it to heal. This last one is important - your body will produce more oil to create a protective barrier if you don't moisturize. Since the acne bacteria feed on your skin's oil (sebum), it will create a breeding ground for more zits. I also change my sheets twice a week.

    My progress - for the past week my skin has been healing and the acne is not as bad as it was. It's a visible improvement on my arms, chest, and back. My face was always totally fine, it's the body acne that gets me.

    Lastly, I also take 1mg arimidex / day - a higher dosage seems to work for me and keeps my libido and energy levels up, if i miss even a day of adex I start to bloat and get tired. I noticed the acne is worse when I don't take adex. I don't understand how some guys are only taking .5mg EOD but i guess all of our bodies are different.

    Good luck - you're not alone. I know it sucks especially because it's beach season.
    I'm acne prone and I only take .5 of adex perday. My skin is clear I'm pushin 700 Mgs of test a week. No acne on my last few cycles but I had it bad in my previous. But I never took adex or washed with nizoral

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Lollipop Land
    Quote Originally Posted by joebailey1271 View Post
    Just find a chick with acne, then at night u can take turns popping each others pimples.

  8. #8
    Here's Hazard's post on acne. It's good information.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    New York, NY
    Hey man - Just wanted to let you know that my acne was getting better then worse and then better again. I decided to take Accutane. My cycle is over and i'm going to start PCT soon. I'm taking 40mg / day and after two weeks, I can see my skin getting better already. It's kind of incredible how much healing can happen overnight. I'm also using Kiehl's midnight recovery concentrate oil which WORKS WONDERS.

    My lips are a tad dry at times throughout the day but it's not so bad. I haven't had my bloodwork done but will do so in the next month to make sure my liver function is OK.

    How are you faring?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by MusclePupInTraining View Post
    Hey man - Just wanted to let you know that my acne was getting better then worse and then better again. I decided to take Accutane. My cycle is over and i'm going to start PCT soon. I'm taking 40mg / day and after two weeks, I can see my skin getting better already. It's kind of incredible how much healing can happen overnight. I'm also using Kiehl's midnight recovery concentrate oil which WORKS WONDERS.

    My lips are a tad dry at times throughout the day but it's not so bad. I haven't had my bloodwork done but will do so in the next month to make sure my liver function is OK.

    How are you faring?
    You got it prescribed?

    A lot of fake isotretinione on the UGL market.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Yea screw ug lab accutane man, if Im not mistaken they sell it in liquid form. It says on the warning label to not chew the liquid tablet from the pharmacy because it will cause severe esophagus problems( never did it so I don't know if that's true in the real world). It's way too easy to purchase generic pills from an overseas pharmacy- as is pct products.

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