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Thread: using GH when bulking on cycle to stay lean ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    using GH when bulking on cycle to stay lean ?

    so out of interest is this a good idea ? im not one for "dirty bulking" and consuming excessive amounts of calories from anything but for example if you were to up your calories and started a so called "bulk" could you get away with getting some extra calories and staying lean if you were running GH with your aas compounds at say 5ius EOD? i dont know about you guys but i need to smash a lot of food in to gain and cant help but add fat to my stomach area... also with running the gh with aas and a high calorie diet would the GH be a nice extra to stay lean and add a few LBS over a period of time ? cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Assuming you are using pharma grade HGH, I've seen a number of anecdotal reports from users claiming its use in keeping body fat down while on a bulking diet. I do not believe you would experience any hyperplasia from 5iu EOD.

    If you're adding unwanted fat, you may just need to adjust your calories or tweak your macros a bit. How about posting up your diet and stats so we could take a look at it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I agree with MS that stats and diet would be helpful.

    It would be a lot less expensive to use 50mcg/day of t3 than gh.

    Plus it usually takes a few months before you see the benefits of hg.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I agree with MS that stats and diet would be helpful.

    It would be a lot less expensive to use 50mcg/day of t3 than gh.

    Plus it usually takes a few months before you see the benefits of hg.

    Agreed that there are much less expensive routes, but would you recommend T3 while he's on a bulk (trying to gain muscle), given Cytomel's catabolic properties? This has always been my main reason for not wanting to run it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Agreed that there are much less expensive routes, but would you recommend T3 while he's on a bulk (trying to gain muscle), given Cytomel's catabolic properties? This has always been my main reason for not wanting to run it.
    I know it's possible to bulk while using t3 because I used some during my cut with prop and ace and I actually put on some lean tissue.

    Common sense can't be used for every situation but let's try and think about this logically.

    If it takes ~300-350mg of test to overpower the catabolic effect of t3 then it's not much of a stretch to assume that using more it would put the body in an anabolic state and allow you to put on muscle tissue.

    I don't have much experience with test and t3 but when you begin stacking more anabolic compounds like nandrolone and tren into the mix the body will certainly be anabolic enough to grow.

    I think you should try it MS, the only bad thing is that t3 has the worst side effects of any compound I've used so far.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I know it's possible to bulk while using t3 because I used some during my cut with prop and ace and I actually put on some lean tissue.

    Common sense can't be used for every situation but let's try and think about this logically.

    If it takes ~300-350mg of test to overpower the catabolic effect of t3 then it's not much of a stretch to assume that using more it would put the body in an anabolic state and allow you to put on muscle tissue.

    I don't have much experience with test and t3 but when you begin stacking more anabolic compounds like nandrolone and tren into the mix the body will certainly be anabolic enough to grow.

    I think you should try it MS, the only bad thing is that t3 has the worst side effects of any compound I've used so far.
    Yup. Definitely agree with your way of thinking. I have been on T3 at 100mcg and now have bumped it down to 75mcg. Since being at 75mcg I have noticed an increase in muscle mass. Excited to see what happens when I drop my dose down to 50mcg a couple weeks out from stepping on stage. First time running T3 in a really long time... I used to stay away from it because I didn't know what I was doing... Diet was off, dose was too high etc. But after seeing you (numere) talk so highly of it, I told my coach I wanted it in my protocol and man I do not regret it at all!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    OP, good luck with your bulk!

  8. #8
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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Yup. Definitely agree with your way of thinking. I have been on T3 at 100mcg and now have bumped it down to 75mcg. Since being at 75mcg I have noticed an increase in muscle mass. Excited to see what happens when I drop my dose down to 50mcg a couple weeks out from stepping on stage. First time running T3 in a really long time... I used to stay away from it because I didn't know what I was doing... Diet was off, dose was too high etc. But after seeing you (numere) talk so highly of it, I told my coach I wanted it in my protocol and man I do not regret it at all!
    Thanks for the compliment!

    It's a nice hormone but like you said you need to have your whole act together of it's a waste.

    When is your show?

  9. #9
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Thanks for the compliment!

    It's a nice hormone but like you said you need to have your whole act together of it's a waste.

    When is your show?
    My show is mid July so I'm at about 3.5 weeks out. T3 will be brought down to 50mcg at the 2 week mark.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    I know it's possible to bulk while using t3 because I used some during my cut with prop and ace and I actually put on some lean tissue.

    Common sense can't be used for every situation but let's try and think about this logically.

    If it takes ~300-350mg of test to overpower the catabolic effect of t3 then it's not much of a stretch to assume that using more it would put the body in an anabolic state and allow you to put on muscle tissue.

    I don't have much experience with test and t3 but when you begin stacking more anabolic compounds like nandrolone and tren into the mix the body will certainly be anabolic enough to grow.

    I think you should try it MS, the only bad thing is that t3 has the worst side effects of any compound I've used so far.
    To tell you the truth, I have tried it. I talked myself into it 2 cycles ago but, like you said, the sides sucked. I discontinued after 1.5 weeks. The sides, combined with the feeling of possibly being catabolic made me not want to use it again. I still have almost a full bottle in stock. However, I do agree that your theory and personal experience with it does have merit.

  11. #11
    HGH goes with any cycle. HGH goes good with bulking cycle, cutting cycle, bi-cycle, LOL. I'm a huge HGH advocated. Been on it continuously for 7+ years. Take 100mcg/ed of T4. The thing I notice is that I can keep fat off the belly. I'm closer to 60 then I am to 50 and I still look like my avatar. HGH is amazing stuff. After having said that, if you're looking to use HGH just to keep belly fat off then you're off the mark. It takes too long for the HGH to show any results and it's too darn expensive. A good diet and some cardio will keep fat off. The HGH gives better skin (most people mistake me for 35 or so), better sleep, better ability to concentrate for a longer period of time on difficult problems, keeps fat off the belly, gives amazing endurance to my muscles (I'm 200# and rep 225# on the bench 37 times), and I continue to have good libido and performance. To me, the anabolic benefits are secondary to the increase in my quality of life. My .02

  12. #12
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    Jul 2012
    To echo ScotchGuard, HGH goes well with any cycle and just about all cycles would be better with it than without. I do, however, disagree a little bit with the timing claim people talk about, meaning you have to run it for long periods of time to see results. When it comes to overall results, sure, I agree with that. But if a guy goes through prep, say 12wks and uses HGH for that purpose only, he will be in far better condition at the end than the guy who didn't. And yes, this isn't always true when we consider the grand scope, but I'm considering all things equal for the point of argument.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    To echo ScotchGuard, HGH goes well with any cycle and just about all cycles would be better with it than without. I do, however, disagree a little bit with the timing claim people talk about, meaning you have to run it for long periods of time to see results. When it comes to overall results, sure, I agree with that. But if a guy goes through prep, say 12wks and uses HGH for that purpose only, he will be in far better condition at the end than the guy who didn't. And yes, this isn't always true when we consider the grand scope, but I'm considering all things equal for the point of argument.

    I'm with you. With REAL HGH I notice results within the first 7-10 days. They may be subtle but I feel its effects quickly. They do magnify themselves the longer the duration but Ive ran it numerous times in shorter runs with outstanding results.

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