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Thread: If oral Tren and Trinabol shut down T production, why did I get usual raised T effect

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    If oral Tren and Trinabol shut down T production, why did I get usual raised T effect

    Apologies in advance for how silly this is going to sound and to anyone who takes the time to educate me a bit more about all this.

    Was using .5mg oral Tren and 30 mg oral Trinabol for about 3 weeks. I no shit thought they raised T which was my goal. I have been educated on that error and have stopped.

    My confusion is that during the first few days I was much hornier, more mentally focused, lots more energy, and my erections were rock solid, something I haven't had in a while.

    So how did two drugs that were shutting down my T production do that to me? Thanks again.

    Oh, and after that "cycle" do I need PCT?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Post the bloodwork.

    Which brand was this gear?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Alpha Pharma healthcare

    That's what the little white and blue boxes say on them for both products. Came with a scratch off authentication code I was able to verify online, but if the whole Alpha Pharma thing is bullshit then the authentication code wouldn't be hard to fake, but that's the brand name for both.

    No blood work. Getting that done this week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Ok, so you dont have bloodwork, being hornier while on tren its pretty normal, it doesnt mean you are not shutdown, you are shutdown for sure if its real tren and AP is ussually good if not fake.
    Testosterone its needed in your body for much more than sex, so you should have used it.

    You need PCT for sure.

    What are your stats and cycle history? You know that methyl tren is very harsh on liver?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    No cycle history other than the prohormones that were legal over a decade ago. DHEA/Tribulus/Andro stacks. Used them for a long time on and off, never PCT'd after.

    Was using the methyl tren on that low dose because of the toxicity, same with low dose of trinabol. Did not know I needed T to go with it so obviously fucked up.

    As far as PCT, all I have is Clomid and over the counter stuff like DHEA, Tribulus, and a T boosting product called Aggressive Strength by Mike Mahler. I know, but other than the Clomid that's all I've got.

    Is the Clomid by itself going to be enough? It messes with my head so I'd rather bag it if not, if so what is the minimum dosage I can take?

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