This happens to me on every cycle.
I'm currently on 200mg test cyp, 100 mg masteron, 100mg Tren, every 3 days and oxy 50mg Ed.
After the first week I started to get a sore, enlarged left nipple. A lump underneath.
I started to take 20mg daily of exemestane. This didn't make any difference. I then changed to 1mg daily of arimidex. Still, no change in the nipple lump or soreness. You can't see it but can feel it.
Normally I have used tamoxifen however I didn't get that this time (I'm getting some next week.
Does anyone know why this happens and why I can't seem to stop it?
For more info, I wouldn't say in the 3 weeks I've been on cycle, that my libido is higher at all. Could be estro related??
Thanks in advance.