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Thread: Gyno during cycle, can't get rid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Gyno during cycle, can't get rid


    This happens to me on every cycle.

    I'm currently on 200mg test cyp, 100 mg masteron, 100mg Tren, every 3 days and oxy 50mg Ed.

    After the first week I started to get a sore, enlarged left nipple. A lump underneath.

    I started to take 20mg daily of exemestane. This didn't make any difference. I then changed to 1mg daily of arimidex. Still, no change in the nipple lump or soreness. You can't see it but can feel it.

    Normally I have used tamoxifen however I didn't get that this time (I'm getting some next week.

    Does anyone know why this happens and why I can't seem to stop it?

    For more info, I wouldn't say in the 3 weeks I've been on cycle, that my libido is higher at all. Could be estro related??

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    You don't use an AI durring cycle? You only start using it after you get gyno?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    No, I wouldn't initially, in the first week of so.

    There are too many negative side effects to them to just take unless needed. Imo

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    They are used to prevent side effects. I just don't understand your logic if you get gyno every cycle and you never take an AI why you would not change that? Oh well.

    You keep gettting gyno because you aren't taking an AI, plain and simple. Start taking an AI...but it sounds like it is too late.

    Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    My posts states I have been taking 2 different types since week 1.

    I'm not on a high amount of gear so don't understand why it is aromatising so quickly.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Since week 1?

    In your post it said "After week 1 I got a lump" then you say "I started to take" and "It didnt help and I then started to take 1mg arimidex daily" (too much arimidex by the way, you are going to crash your e2) Arimidex is used to prevent gyno and high e2 symptoms, not to treat gyno.

    So which is it? Have you been taking an exem and an AI since day 1? Or after you get a lump after a week into the cycle then adding a high dose of arimidex?

    Also, just curious..... if you get gyno everytime you cycle, why would you decide to not get tamoxifen if it worked in the past? You should've just been preventing it in the first place though
    Last edited by Dj Screw; 06-24-2016 at 04:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Once you get gyno it doesn't go away without treatment.
    That is why it is so quick to flare back up when you start a cycle.
    You should attempt ralox for 6-9 months at 60mg per day.
    Read Austinite's gyno thread.

    Also, an AI should be taken at the beginning of a cycle.
    Maybe if you did this starting with your first cycle you wouldn't have developed gyno.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks for the info guys.

    My gyno actually came not from knowingly doing a steroid cycle, but from the days when M1T (methyl-1 test, pro-hormone) came out that you could buy from the shop. It didn't mention anything about pct or gyno etc. In fact, it used to advertise as "does not aromatise"! I ended up with extremely itchy and sore nipples.

    I didn't get nolva for 2 reasons, 1 I thought I already had some from previous and 2 I had decided to use exemestane instead.

    And as to when I took my first ai, it may have been after 1 week, I can't remember now, but either wa, iI had barely had more than a couple of injections

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You should have your nolvadex already for your PCT.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo View Post
    My posts states I have been taking 2 different types since week 1.

    I'm not on a high amount of gear so don't understand why it is aromatising so quickly.

    What's your bf% out of curiousity? And post up your stats.

    Why wouldn't you use some preventative measures(on cycle ancillaries, BW, PCT etc and all on hand b4 you start anything) I don't get how/or why some think taking an AI on cycle 'may be putting too many different meds in their bodies' but then
    End up having to take more meds to counteract the problem you now created... Which could've Been prevented from the get go...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    What's your bf% out of curiousity? And post up your stats.

    Why wouldn't you use some preventative measures(on cycle ancillaries, BW, PCT etc and all on hand b4 you start anything) I don't get how/or why some think taking an AI on cycle 'may be putting too many different meds in their bodies' but then
    End up having to take more meds to counteract the problem you now created... Which could've Been prevented from the get go...
    OK look, I had plentyof ancillaries at hand. Clomid, arimidex, exemestane. I also thought i had nolva however, being that for gyno prevention, exemestane was better than nolva or at least equal, and the fact i had arimidex also, I didn't go searching for my nolva. Previousl, I've only used nolva once eod. Only when it appeared that they weren't working did i realise that I didn't actually have any nolva lef.

    I have since started using a multi tab that has nolva, fina, and clomid in one- more of a pct. Howeve, the sorenesshas almost gone and the lump gone down a lot.

    II'm guessing my out of date exemestane etc doesn't work anymor?!

    This form keeps losing letters, changing my words and deleting spaces !!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Look your first line of defense against gyno is your AI(exemestane) which you failed to take accordingly(you ran a progestin without a DA and no AI) High E2 w/elevated PRL I'm betting - any BW

    SERMs like nolva and ralox are for gyno -
    Ralox - 120mgs/first wk 60mgs there on after
    Nolva - 40mgs first wk 20---> 10mgs(this dose should be sufficient) there on after

    After your pct I'd run nolva or ralox for months to see if you caught it in time - if not only way is surgery.... I'd suggest To take your AI(Pharma ancillaries) from start to finish and run low dose nolva(10mgs Ed) to prevent flare ups(on cycle)
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-07-2016 at 04:58 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Look your first line of defense against gyno is your AI(exemestane) which you failed to take accordingly(you ran a progestin without a DA and no AI) High E2 w/elevated PRL I'm betting - any BW

    SERMs like nolva and ralox are for gyno -
    Ralox - 120mgs/first wk 60mgs there on after
    Nolva - 40mgs first wk 20---> 10mgs(this dose should be sufficient) there on after

    After your pct I'd run nolva or ralox for months to see if you caught it in time - if not only way is surgery.... I'd suggest To take your AI(Pharma ancillaries) from start to finish and run low dose nolva(10mgs Ed) to prevent flare ups(on cycle)

    Thanks for the response.

    I haven't been on for a while because I thought it was all getting better.

    Turns out it has come back?! I've been talking my multi oral as mentioned previously @ 20mg per day of nolva (that's hope much tamoxifen is in each tablet). The lump has returned big again and sore. How can this be if I'm taking a serm every day?!

    I am also taking 100mcg each of ghrp6 and cjc1295 twice daily. Would this make a difference to gyno?

    It's the only negative I have with this, and any cycle tbh.

    Thanks again in advance.

    Oh btw my stats are around 11% body fat, 175cm,34yr old and 89kg,30-32" waist.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo View Post
    I am also taking 100mcg each of ghrp6 and cjc1295 twice daily. Would this make a difference to gyno?
    Yes, it can increase prolactin. If you take it with tren or nandrolone its very easy to get high prolactin.

    You need bloodwork.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    ghrp6 gave me gyno signs so i switched to Ipam with no more issues

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