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Thread: Add primo or no?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east

    Add primo or no?

    I am on my 5th week running 500 mgs of test enanth and 400 mgs of eq a week. I wa splanning on running it for 10 weeks but I have enough for 15 weeks. I also have primo, which I know is real (20cc 200 mg/ml). Should I add that primo or just save it for my next cycle, or use it in my post cycle therapy. I am also taking 20 mg of nolva per day as well as 1/2 tab of femara ed. Thanks bros.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Peter
    I am on my 5th week running 500 mgs of test enanth and 400 mgs of eq a week. I wa splanning on running it for 10 weeks but I have enough for 15 weeks. I also have primo, which I know is real (20cc 200 mg/ml). Should I add that primo or just save it for my next cycle, or use it in my post cycle therapy. I am also taking 20 mg of nolva per day as well as 1/2 tab of femara ed. Thanks bros.

    i have two comments...

    first, running 20mg/ED nolva is not necessary with the femara. if your femara tabs are 2.5mg, 1.25mg/day is more than necessary with this cycle.

    run it at 1.25mg/EOD and you will keep water retention down as well as shutdown your estrogen.

    as far as the primo is concerned, save it for your next cycle. how many do you have under your belt prior to this one? as you are only running 2 compounds at low dosages im thinking 0 or maybe 1, so hold the primo.

    btw, is the primo red star?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east
    Quote Originally Posted by daem
    i have two comments...

    first, running 20mg/ED nolva is not necessary with the femara. if your femara tabs are 2.5mg, 1.25mg/day is more than necessary with this cycle.

    run it at 1.25mg/EOD and you will keep water retention down as well as shutdown your estrogen.

    as far as the primo is concerned, save it for your next cycle. how many do you have under your belt prior to this one? as you are only running 2 compounds at low dosages im thinking 0 or maybe 1, so hold the primo.

    btw, is the primo red star?
    yea this is my second cycle, the reason for the high anti e's is bc i developed slight gyno on my 1st cycle of sust 500 mgs a week so i figured i was prone. I guess i will recude those anti e's though. And yea it is red star. BTW this is my 2nd cycle

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