Ok fellas, don't laugh.
I'm just curious tho. How long does it usually take no notice ball shrinkage? I just finished wk 4 of my cycle. I've been on 600mg of Test E/wk, & my boys are still in full effect! Is this normal?
Ok fellas, don't laugh.
I'm just curious tho. How long does it usually take no notice ball shrinkage? I just finished wk 4 of my cycle. I've been on 600mg of Test E/wk, & my boys are still in full effect! Is this normal?
Last edited by Wallstreetbully; 06-25-2016 at 11:41 AM.
Are you using hCG?
Geez, I can't remember when my nuts were "normal" sized. Been on TRT so don't worry about baseballs or golf balls. LOL
Its been so long now that I don't exactly remember, but it did take a while. I actually enjoy this side effect, they dont interfere with activities like riding a bike.
They may or may not shrink
The first time I pinned, I was so damn paranoid a was sure my balls started shrinking the second I pulled the pin out... I noticed, or felt maybe, shrinkage in weeks 2-3, but ^^^^ he's right, some people never notice, or it doesn't affect them much.
I noticed in a big way, in weeks 3-4 an "ache" of sorts started up, and I jumped on the HCG bandwagon... But I'm old.
Honestly man, I'm getting worried about that.
I had a respectable physique before starting the cycle. I posted pics a few weeks ago. After 4 wks, I really don't see any difference, other than some vasculaity. I think I still look close to the same, & I can't say that I feel much stronger either. I started "tren ace" this week at 300mg/wk. After the first wk on Tren, I've experienced a slightly warmer body at times but that's it.
If the gear is legit, should I be noticing more after 4 wks of test e, and 1 wk of tren ace?
Last edited by Wallstreetbully; 06-26-2016 at 06:33 AM.
Less pinning and they build up over timeOriginally Posted by Wallstreetbully
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 06-26-2016 at 10:22 AM.
When your physic is at the level that yours is. It becomes more difficult to add 10-15 pounds of muscle every cycle. You have done a great job man! You look great!
Thanks man.
Problem is this, this is my first cycle ever.
I need to get blood work done, because I honestly look no different after 4 wks.
I'm naturally 225-230LBS. I have to keep a strict diet & cardio to stay under that weight. I was 213 when I started the cycle. 223 @ 3 wks in. Not impressed by that tho, because I cheated on the diet some.
I've been on TRT for years and I don't think mine have shrunk at all. Sometimes I think they might look smaller but I think it's normal or if I've been using my manhood a lot
Soft testes must be distinguished from actual tissue shrinkage. With decreased semen production, they will get soft. Atrophy will eventually develop over time. Since being on TRT, size decreased by about 30% in two years. However, softness developed in less than a month.
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