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Thread: Question about PIP

  1. #1
    cblifter is offline New Member
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    Question about PIP

    i have taken npp before and not a single pip from any of the injections. i've also taken mass stack and it gave me no problems at .5ml (along with npp). but when i took it alone at 1ml. i was getting pain near the injection site but not at the injection site. i've been reading some about this and most people using test e and test prop seem to be getting pip. worse so on test prop. I was thinking of doing test prop for my next cycle but if it's going to be as bad as what i've read, then i don't know. is there something in the test that generates the injection area pain?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I believe it's more the ester...

  3. #3
    cblifter is offline New Member
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    oh. so short ester should have less pain? but npp and test prop are both short ester but i've read a lot of pain from test prop so i thought it was because it was test.

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    I'm fairly certain there's a positive correlation between the amount of PIP and the size of your vagina.
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  5. #5
    bobbypump's Avatar
    bobbypump is offline Associate Member
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    i live by the words of Rambo..... PIP don't hurt.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cblifter
    oh. so short ester should have less pain? but npp and test prop are both short ester but i've read a lot of pain from test prop so i thought it was because it was test.
    That's not what I said...
    Some find that prop hurts like a bitch.
    It's not the length of the ester but what what it is.

    Also, PIP can be caused by the solvents used.

  7. #7
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    That's not what I said...
    Some find that prop hurts like a bitch.
    It's not the length of the ester but what what it is.

    Also, PIP can be caused by the solvents used.
    OP Deadlift gave you a solid response.

    To expand on it further, after you inject an esterified steroid the esterase enzyme splits off the ester resulting in hormone and acid.

    In the case of prop you get testosterone and propionic acid.

    Solvents can cause or help prevent PIP.

    For example, ethyl oleate (EO) is a plasticizer used in the molding industry and is sometimes used as a numbing agent in some intramuscular drugs.

    This may be why you didn't experience any PIP when mixing compounds.

    My experience with PIP has been if you pin before working out that muscle group after a few times you no longer get any discomfort even if not working out.

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