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Thread: Military Athlete Seeking Some Advice

  1. #1
    Haw2's Avatar
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    Military Athlete Seeking Some Advice

    I have a unique problem that I need your help with. I will start with my stats and athletic background and then tell you what I need your help with. I am a 30 year old male, 6ft, 205lb with about 11 to 12 percent body fat. I wrestled and played rugby on a national level, weight lifting since high school but only properly for about 6 years. I attempted 3 cycles and completed one due to my work. which is where my situation comes into play.

    I am an Operator who rarely has more than a month or two to get back into shape, before deploying or heading back on another course or training cycle. When I am away, I rarely have control over what I eat, have a gym or time to go to one, lack of sleep, combating one injury after another and high stress levels. Its not exactly the recipe for maintaining perfect physical condition. I need something short and effective to recover and push my fitness levels just a little further every time. I simply do not have time for the a 12 week cycle, I've tried! When I come home I usually feel depleted, tired and my workouts are weak, then by the time I rehab and get back into the swing of things I am gone again. I am looking to you guys to help me get stronger, bigger, faster and more lethal. Getting big isn't what I want, I want to roll around at about 210-215 at 8-9% body fat, with conditioning and power in mind for my workouts.

    This is something I have been struggling with for a long time on my own and I hope you guys can help.

    Last edited by Haw2; 07-10-2016 at 06:09 PM.

  2. #2
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    Unfortunately in your situation I would not suggest any type of AS cycle at this time. Without a proper diet, strength training routine and rest you would be wasting your money and hard earned time. Running a cycle takes dedication and discipline not only in the gym but outside as well and with your unfortunate busy schedule I do not see it being an option right now.

  3. #3
    Sycoholic is offline New Member
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    Not until you ets bro. No schedule like that will support a cycle. You can't sneak it in and getting it there is sketchy at best. Get your diet under control and train regardless. You'll hit your bf goals without the help.

  4. #4
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Change your career mate. your not eating correctly your not training often enough your not sleeping correctly.

    You can not have it all

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    No AAS at this time bro sorry.Even a short cycle leaves you time for a pct.Just stay clean and natty.Lift hard as you can and run and eat clean.Thank you for your service.

  6. #6
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    If you have 2 months, you can do a cycle with short esters or suspension for 4 weeks and PCT for 4 weeks. That would be the shortest time you would need to do a cycle. You really can't do much in a month. Man, I wish there was something magical that can be done for you guys.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you have 2 months, you can do a cycle with short esters or suspension for 4 weeks and PCT for 4 weeks. That would be the shortest time you would need to do a cycle. You really can't do much in a month. Man, I wish there was something magical that can be done for you guys.
    I am under the impression that this would a first cycle for this member. Short ester/suspension cycles would not be an option either for a novice.

  8. #8
    Haw2's Avatar
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    Hmmm I was slightly afraid this was going to be the answer. Whenever I can I train, eat, rehab and try to sleep well; fitness and my skill sets are all I can control when I'm deployed, so it's important to me. I have heard and read differing opinions on this but how long does a cycle have to be in order to really benefit? Even a slight edge is one I will take. The PCT is easier than the cycle since I can do it anywhere so that gives me a little more time. I guess what I am looking for would be the minimum cycle that effects my endocrine system the least, for the quickest bounce back.

    Thanks Songdog, appreciate it man

  9. #9
    KurtMiles's Avatar
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    Get out of Special Operations, go back and be a line infantry platoon sergeant, go be a drill sergeant, recruiter, something other than what you are doing. The best gig is AC/RC. I've seen too many operators burn out trying to be John Rambo. At some point you have to look out for #1.
    Tlolec the toilet likes this.

  10. #10
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haw2 View Post
    Hmmm I was slightly afraid this was going to be the answer. Whenever I can I train, eat, rehab and try to sleep well; fitness and my skill sets are all I can control when I'm deployed, so it's important to me. I have heard and read differing opinions on this but how long does a cycle have to be in order to really benefit? Even a slight edge is one I will take. The PCT is easier than the cycle since I can do it anywhere so that gives me a little more time. I guess what I am looking for would be the minimum cycle that effects my endocrine system the least, for the quickest bounce back.

    Thanks Songdog, appreciate it man
    Mate there is nothing that can help you apart from your own mental capacity. I could think of nothing worse then being on patrol and being on pct. all cycle lengths depend on your goals and how dedicated you are.
    the only thing you could use would be "recreational enhancements" to help concentration.

  11. #11
    RedBeardedViking is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KurtMiles View Post
    Get out of Special Operations, go back and be a line infantry platoon sergeant, go be a drill sergeant, recruiter, something other than what you are doing. The best gig is AC/RC. I've seen too many operators burn out trying to be John Rambo. At some point you have to look out for #1.
    I am doing the AGR gig and its great. I would like to see someone help this brother out with a short ester cycle, I don't have any experience with cycles but I am sure he could get enough to be satisfied in 8 weeks in between training/missions.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedBeardedViking View Post
    I am doing the AGR gig and its great. I would like to see someone help this brother out with a short ester cycle, I don't have any experience with cycles but I am sure he could get enough to be satisfied in 8 weeks in between training/missions.
    Respectfully.....we all would like to help him but unfortunately with his busy lifestyle, diet concerns and inadequate rest still need to be in place to take advantage of an AS cycle.
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  13. #13
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    He has plenty of time in 2 months to benefit from a short ester cycle. The only problem is pct if he end ups deployed. A training op where life isnt on the line wouldn't be as big of a deal, unless it was leading up to a deployment.

    2 months would give him a good 8 week cycle. Euroholic nailed the big problem.

    I think its funny that some think a first cycle cant be short esters. Test is test, if he is willing and able to pin eod, or ed there is nothing wrong with short esters.
    NACH3 likes this.

  14. #14
    Haw2's Avatar
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    My Sleep, Diet and training are on point right now. I am not looking for something as a crutch but the edge to get me to peak higher. I am deploying in the next... while.. but I do have 3 weeks off as of now and I do have at least a month after where I can train, eat well and sleep well. Another month after that where I can PCT but the rest is unkown.

    Kurt I feel you brother but I have been doing this for a while now and while that horrizon for looking out for number one is coming its not close yet. I still have a few doors to kick in .

  15. #15
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Any gains you get you will surely loose. It would be best if you could Save it for when you can fully dedicate yourself to the lifestyle.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    He has plenty of time in 2 months to benefit from a short ester cycle. The only problem is pct if he end ups deployed. A training op where life isnt on the line wouldn't be as big of a deal, unless it was leading up to a deployment.

    2 months would give him a good 8 week cycle. Euroholic nailed the big problem.

    I think its funny that some think a first cycle cant be short esters. Test is test, if he is willing and able to pin eod, or ed there is nothing wrong with short esters.

    My first cycle(and 3 after we're all prop) I loved the pin so there was nothing to it and the pip wasn't anything I responded bad to - so I agree that if the party is willing to run prop first(it's not ideal) but my pinning technique sure progressed fast
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  17. #17
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    First of all, let's assume that you can do PCT even when you're deployed. That gives you 4 - 8 wks to run a cycle. The least intrusive cycle would be a 4 to 6 week anavar only cycle, one day rest and PCT for 4 weeks. Anavar would be the only oral I would take without Test injectable. The second would be a Test Prop cycle for 6 weeks, 3 days rest and start PCT. The third would a Test suspension cycle for 4 weeks, wait one day and PCT. The Test suspension half life is only 1 day so you might have to inject twice a day for a month to keep the blood level constant. Then again, it is only a 4 week cycle.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    First of all, let's assume that you can do PCT even when you're deployed. That gives you 4 - 8 wks to run a cycle. The least intrusive cycle would be a 4 to 6 week anavar only cycle, one day rest and PCT for 4 weeks. Anavar would be the only oral I would take without Test injectable. The second would be a Test Prop cycle for 6 weeks, 3 days rest and start PCT. The third would a Test suspension cycle for 4 weeks, wait one day and PCT. The Test suspension half life is only 1 day so you might have to inject twice a day for a month to keep the blood level constant. Then again, it is only a 4 week cycle.
    Good point.

  19. #19
    KurtMiles's Avatar
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    I think it would be very difficult, especially since if he is in fact in Special Operations the operations tempo is extraordinarily high even when deployed. Having been deployed multiple times before leaving the service, the difference in deployment tempo between units and MOSs can be considerable. All the guys who go overseas and get freaking XBAWKS HUEG are, for the most part, FOB bitches. Infantrymen, operators, and other combat troops are generally too wasted after long missions in the heat to worry much about smashing 8oz of chicken, 2 cups of oats and wrecking their already sore legs with some squats.

    There were mechanics on FOB i visited that were all juiced and enormous....there were also no vehicles on said FOB, they all had a predictable schedule, and were always at the chow hall. The combat troops, on the other hand, looked like shriveled up, pale ghosts. They worked hard all night, slept all day, and had shitty diets consisting of whatever they could get in between missions. I feel bad for them now, of course I was one of them then too LOL

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