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Did my 1st cycle last winter which was 500/wk of Sustanon for 10 weeks
Had great results. Asked my guy for more Sust for my next cycle but he got me a 450/ml test blend.
Test deconate 200
Test cypionate 150
Test enanthate 100
Is this test blend as good as the Sus?
Both appear to be pharmaceutical grade by the same brand. The Sustanon always felt like I had a bad bruise in the area injected. There is no pain at all associated with this test blend. Could that mean the gear is fake? I'm 5 weeks into the 2nd 12 week cycle and I don't think I'm getting the same kick from this as I did from the Sustanon.
Does anyone have an opinion about it? Should test injections always leave a sore area where injected?
I have enough Sustanon left over from last time to finish this cycle with it. Should I switch and finish this cycle with Sustanon or will that jack up the cycle?