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Thread: Ostarine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Started ordering some things for my first AAS cycle. I was going to follow the "suggested first cycle" but I just read about Ostarine (mk2865) for the first time and was wondering if I should do an Ostarine cycle first. I watched enhanced athletes videos on YouTube and he highly recommends SARMS over steriods.

    I have some questions though:
    -Is Ostarine legal?
    -Has anyone done an Ostarine cycle - what dose/duration?
    -Is Ostarine the best SARM?
    -Should you cycle Ostarine alone or with other SARMS?
    -Is it effective?
    -Are there side effects?
    -What pct did you use? What dose/duration?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Macros View Post
    Started ordering some things for my first AAS cycle. I was going to follow the "suggested first cycle" but I just read about Ostarine (mk2865) for the first time and was wondering if I should do an Ostarine cycle first. I watched enhanced athletes videos on YouTube and he highly recommends SARMS over steriods.

    I have some questions though:
    -Is Ostarine legal?
    -Has anyone done an Ostarine cycle - what dose/duration?
    -Is Ostarine the best SARM?
    -Should you cycle Ostarine alone or with other SARMS?
    -Is it effective?
    -Are there side effects?
    -What pct did you use? What dose/duration?

    No. LGD is better. But they both shut you down so you will need a trtdose or possible rad140.

    Sides are lowered hdl to the 20s and shutdown below 200.

    LGD and a little test is effective. 10 clean pounds should be within reach.

    3 months 10-20 mg.

    Clomid 50 50 25 25 should be ok for pct.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Thanks Silabolin! When you say I will need a TRT dose or rad140 do you mean I should inject a low dose of test or take rad140 along with the LGD or after the LGD cycle?
    If so, what would the dosages be for the test and rad140?

    When you say hdl to the 20s are you talking about cholesterol? And when you say shutdown below 200 so you mean test levels will drop to below 200?

    For the pct you think clomid alone is ok? Is there anything else you would add to the pct - like nolva?

    Sorry for all of the questions. I just want to make sure I'm understanding you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Macros View Post
    Thanks Silabolin! When you say I will need a TRT dose or rad140 do you mean I should inject a low dose of test or take rad140 along with the LGD or after the LGD cycle?
    If so, what would the dosages be for the test and rad140?

    When you say hdl to the 20s are you talking about cholesterol? And when you say shutdown below 200 so you mean test levels will drop to below 200?

    For the pct you think clomid alone is ok? Is there anything else you would add to the pct - like nolva?

    Sorry for all of the questions. I just want to make sure I'm understanding you.
    Yes. Along cycle. Test 50 mg propionate 2 times a week. My last lgdcycle I did 150 mg prop and it got me in the 1100. A bit high.
    Rad 140 10 mg should do the trick.

    Yes. Hdl cholestrol in the 20s and total test below 200 ng/dl. Within 3-4 weeks.

    Just a minipct like clomid only should be enough.

    I would like to add mk677 in the pct and do it 6 weeks. And also along cycle. A great safe drug. Even Bostin Loyd mention mk677 as a choice.
    And I would add sr9009 with the cycle. Safe and superb fatloss and endurance.
    Cant go wrong with this stack.

    Only side to worry about is hdl cholestrol so I would eat a cholestrolfriendly diett along cycle aswell.

  5. #5
    I have used OSTARINE a few times and was overall disappointed. The only real noticeable side effect I had was some extreme heat burn/reflux from it,,which I hear is rather common.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Took the stuff for years and then just one day it shot my BP through the roof.
    Honestly, not worth the money in MHO.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Thanks again for all of the input guys!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Macros View Post
    Thanks again for all of the input guys!
    Anytime my friend.

  9. #9
    Most sarms take longer to kick in such as lgd i didnt really start gaining till the 4th week so i would do a 6-8 week cycle min for sarms ive seen some people do 10-12 weeks but it all depends on how long it takes to kick in. p.s. i took ostarine for 8 weeks

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