Greetings Friends,

First time post. This will be my 4th cycle. Who am I?

37 years old
187 lbs
Approx 11-12% bf
Training for 20 years

I'm looking to do what pretty much everyone else wants...lean gainz. Here's what I'm thinking for my next cycle:

12 weeks

Weeks 1-12: Test E (500mg/wk)
Weeks 1-8: EQ (400mg/wk)
Weeks 7-12: Tren A (50mg EoD)
Weeks 1-4: DBol (20mg ED)
Weeks 7-12: Anavar (50mg ED)
Weeks 1 -12: Arimidex (1mg ED)


5 Weeks

First 10 days: 500iu ED of hCG
Weeks 2-4: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

MY questions are pretty basic...will this be a good cycle for some nice lean mass gainz? I plan to eat 500 calories per day over maintenance. Anything different you think I should do? Anything I'm missing the mark on? Thanks in advance for your advice.
