Hey guys... I'm just finishing up my 1st cycle now of 25mg dbol weeks 1-4 and test e weeks 1-15. Was only going to run it for 12 but decided to do a meet last second so i extended it 3 weeks.
Looking to do another cycle in december and wanted to get a head start on getting my info together. I have an idea of what I want to take but wanted some advice on any extras or changes in dosages. Right now I have it looking like this:
1-14 test e 600mg
1-4 anadrol 50mg ed
9-14 tren a 75mg eod
Arimadex .5mg eod
Hcg 250iu twice per week
9-14 Caber .5mg twice per week
Just wanted to make it clear that I'm a powerlifter. I'm not sure if I'm going to have to do a cut so if I do is there anything I can add to that? Some anavar, perhaps? Besides that how does this cycle look?