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Thread: 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    2nd cycle

    Hey guys... I'm just finishing up my 1st cycle now of 25mg dbol weeks 1-4 and test e weeks 1-15. Was only going to run it for 12 but decided to do a meet last second so i extended it 3 weeks.

    Looking to do another cycle in december and wanted to get a head start on getting my info together. I have an idea of what I want to take but wanted some advice on any extras or changes in dosages. Right now I have it looking like this:
    1-14 test e 600mg
    1-4 anadrol 50mg ed
    9-14 tren a 75mg eod
    Arimadex .5mg eod
    Hcg 250iu twice per week
    9-14 Caber .5mg twice per week

    Just wanted to make it clear that I'm a powerlifter. I'm not sure if I'm going to have to do a cut so if I do is there anything I can add to that? Some anavar, perhaps? Besides that how does this cycle look?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    What are your stats?

    Imo using tren at this point isn't a good idea.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    What are your stats?

    Imo using tren at this point isn't a good idea.
    5'11 226. 20ish% bf
    Best lifts at 198- 585/325/610
    Best lifts at 220- 605/345/650

    Competing at 220 in a couple weeks currently on test only. The next cycle I'm doing is for the Arnold classic in march so wanted to get some big numbers

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Your bf is a bit high to cycle.

    I understand that you're a powerlifter but that doesn't make it any healthier.

    If your bf is that high and you're not doing regular cardio then a tren cycle will likely make you feel like a beached whale.

    For your second cycle, at 24 years old, I think you should run another test cycle with an oral of your choice.

    If you really want to try another compound then look into nandralone.

    It's great for strength and has way less sides when compared to tren.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Your bf is a bit high to cycle.

    I understand that you're a powerlifter but that doesn't make it any healthier.

    If your bf is that high and you're not doing regular cardio then a tren cycle will likely make you feel like a beached whale.

    For your second cycle, at 24 years old, I think you should run another test cycle with an oral of your choice.

    If you really want to try another compound then look into nandralone.

    It's great for strength and has way less sides when compared to tren.
    Thanks for the response. I know my bf is a little high and I'm going to diet down to maybe 200 lbs before I start in december. Do you think a little tren would be ok if I got my bf to 15%? Could even drop the tren dose to 50mg eod

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5909 View Post
    Thanks for the response. I know my bf is a little high and I'm going to diet down to maybe 200 lbs before I start in december. Do you think a little tren would be ok if I got my bf to 15%? Could even drop the tren dose to 50mg eod
    Look man you're an adult, and if you want to use tren then by all means give it a go.

    Speaking from my personal experience, and experience with helping people with cycle issues, using tren at this point in your life isn't a good idea.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    Look man you're an adult, and if you want to use tren then by all means give it a go.

    Speaking from my personal experience, and experience with helping people with cycle issues, using tren at this point in your life isn't a good idea.
    Maybe I'll wait a while before I try tren... If I were to add in some nandrolone, should I run it weeks 9-14 in place of the tren? How does 400mg per week sound?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5909 View Post
    Maybe I'll wait a while before I try tren... If I were to add in some nandrolone, should I run it weeks 9-14 in place of the tren? How does 400mg per week sound?
    Ideally you'd run it for the whole cycle.

    If you use the deca ester it's a good idea to use it for 12 weeks and to stop it a week or two before your test so that it clears your system.

    Npp can be used for shorter periods.

    400mg/week should give you some nice strength gains but I like it a bit higher, around 500mg/week.

    Nandrolone, like tren, is a 19 nor.

    Due to this mid cycle bw is important to make sure e2 levels are in range and PRL isn't elevated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post

    Ideally you'd run it for the whole cycle.

    If you use the deca ester it's a good idea to use it for 12 weeks and to stop it a week or two before your test so that it clears your system.

    Npp can be used for shorter periods.

    400mg/week should give you some nice strength gains but I like it a bit higher, around 500mg/week.

    Nandrolone, like tren, is a 19 nor.

    Due to this mid cycle bw is important to make sure e2 levels are in range and PRL isn't elevated.
    Sounds good. Thanks for the advice. Truly appreciate it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I dont see no reason to run tren on your 2nd cycle.Why pull out the big gun before its needed.

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