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Thread: Planning 3rd cycle

  1. #1
    Currently on my second cycle, of Test e 600mg a week. I'm trying to get the third lined up, I'm thinkin about adding Deca to the mix for recovery. So maybe 250mg a week of Deca, and 500-600mg a week of Test. Thoughts? I also plan on adding proviron.
    Last edited by yardbirdaj; 07-14-2016 at 04:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

  3. #3
    Age 34
    Height 5-7
    Weight 205-210
    Body fat: 15-18%
    Training experience: 15years
    I'm not a bodybuilder and don't eat as well as one. I eat clean and have beer or two several times a week.

  4. #4
    Go for it but I might consider NPP at 300/wk instead. Deca at 250 is a bit low, I think. NPP kicks in faster and there's more nandrolone per ml because of the shorter ester which also allows some fine-tuning during the cycle if you so choose.

    Primo is another option but it's expensive.

    Deca/NPP are good choices.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2015
    A good cycle. Almost same as my summercycle. But i added 10 mg superdrol 3 first weeks, but it didnt do much. Maybe i would use dbol next time, but for a 3. cycle I think its good.

    Look into cardarine/sr9009. I will never run a cycle without one of those anymore.

    And half a tbl dex every other day did it for my. No da. No hcg. Im in my 9th week no and i feel real good.

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