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Thread: Test cyp, erection problems, viagra

  1. #1
    Arniefan is offline Associate Member
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    Test cyp, erection problems, viagra

    I've taken 3ml of test cyp for 3months and just come off it now. I had erection problems all the way through the cycle. I've been seeing someone for a month and its got to the stage of sex, I've been honest what I've been taking and what's been happening because I didn't want her to think it was her.
    Has anyone else had this problem taking test? What did you do? Would viagra help this why I'm waiting for my system to get back to normal?

  2. #2
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Ml tells us nothing, mg/ml ??. Did you run a AI ? HCG ? Did you do a pct ?

    Edit any blood work at all ?
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  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro its hard to give advice when we dont have nothing to go on.NO STATS wat your cycle consisted of.We need mg not ml.Did you use a ai HCG ? these are things we need to know.Along with blood work.
    Arniefan likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    ^^^^both these guys are right its hard to help you without proper information...that said, yes Viagra or Cialis should help you for now...did you at least to a PCT protocol to come off?...
    Arniefan likes this.

  5. #5
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Bro its hard to give advice when we dont have nothing to go on.NO STATS wat your cycle consisted of.We need mg not ml.Did you use a ai HCG? these are things we need to know.Along with blood work.
    His stats have nothing to do with the question. Info on what he used does, but his stats will not help to answer his questions.
    Arniefan likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    if it's just test cyp and considering the way he's introducing the topic i'd bet he didn't run an AI. he definitely didn't use HCG and he definitely doesn't know what he's talking about. i.e. 3 ml of test cyp for three months. that sounds insane. you don't say, Sir! well I say! 3ml!

    but seriously, you have to elaborate man. you are missing some components like milligram per milliliter, HCG and an AI like aromasin while on cycle. And PCT things too! -nolvadex , Clomid <-do you know what all that stuff is?

    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    His stats have nothing to do with the question. Info on what he used does, but his stats will not help to answer his questions.
    doesn't age and weight/BF% factor in?
    Last edited by Tlolec the toilet; 07-18-2016 at 06:06 PM.

  7. #7
    shaunjohn242002's Avatar
    shaunjohn242002 is offline Associate Member
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    Don't need to know your shoe size or favorite color but it may help to know if you ran an ai while on cycle. Need to run a pct man. If you don't know what that is you better get on the ball with that. Things will probably return back to normal but it's gonna be a miserable ride without pct. but hell yea, Viagra will take care of the Ed.
    Arniefan likes this.

  8. #8
    Arniefan is offline Associate Member
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    I had 500mg a week and was always told to run pct 2 weeks after your last jab, only been a week since my last jab. My question was more it happened during the cycle. This has never happened before while taking gear, it's been the total opposite of being rock hard. The only thing I did different with this one was add an extra 100mg a week. Been reading different forums and it mentions to high testosterone levels can give you ED. So maybe that bit extra I did has tipped my body to that point. Had bloods done at the doctors yesterday, results back tomorrow.

  9. #9
    shaunjohn242002's Avatar
    shaunjohn242002 is offline Associate Member
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    Glad to hear you're up on the pct. yea probably raised your estrogen and sent u limp with that extra 100mg. Maybe didn't adjust ai or didn't run any? Either way you'll know with the bloodwork( hopefully doc is checking estrogen).Good job with getting bloods drawn. Most don't.

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post
    His stats have nothing to do with the question. Info on what he used does, but his stats will not help to answer his questions.
    Just so you can understand me peaches.I will put it in laymans terms for you.I asked for more than just his stats.But his profile wasn't filled out with his stats.But I want to thank you for your help.

  11. #11
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Whata are your stats?
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  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I also never heard him mention using a Ai!

  13. #13
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arniefan View Post
    I had 500mg a week and was always told to run pct 2 weeks after your last jab, only been a week since my last jab. My question was more it happened during the cycle. This has never happened before while taking gear, it's been the total opposite of being rock hard. The only thing I did different with this one was add an extra 100mg a week. Been reading different forums and it mentions to high testosterone levels can give you ED. So maybe that bit extra I did has tipped my body to that point. Had bloods done at the doctors yesterday, results back tomorrow.
    Your blood work should tell you something. Your HPTA will recover over time. Also VIAGRA and CIALIS can be helpful if your having a tough time. I recommend ALL men to have supply stash of both.

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