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  1. #1
    Kyle1337's Avatar
    Kyle1337 is offline Member
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    Accutane on cycle

    So, I've read mixed info on this... but, from the master Hazard and his experience he says it's ok to do on cycle. (I pm'd him this question a week ago, no answer... so I am here now.) I have severe acne that I want to get rid of, but I didn't really discover this stuff until recently. I want to start a cycle of AAS soon, but don't want to wait until I'm done with it to do accutane, nor do I want to wait the few months of of accutane and no AAS. So... my next cycle will contain and oral for the first 4 weeks. Can I wait 4 weeks, and then cycle accutane at 10mg ED? Will this be too hard on the liver? (8 weeks into AAS cycle I will start accutane). Cycle is 12 weeks test C 500mg and 40mg t-bol first 4 weeks. What do you guys think will be ok for my liver?

    Hazard's thread

  2. #2
    Thespear's Avatar
    Thespear is offline New Member
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    Is this a doctor prescribed cycle of accutane? If so the are gonna want bloods every month. That will help you to see if your liver is taking on any damage. 10mg a day is a pretty light dose, so you will probably be fine, although I would definitely not run t-Bol and accutane together, you could still prob run them in the same cycle...

  3. #3
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    No orals with accutane IMO. If you want to cycle do it without orals and low dose accutane.

    Get doctor prescribed accutane, like said above, you will be able to monitor your H & H, lipids and liver.

    Also would start accutane at least 4 weeks before cycling so you manage the symptoms.

  4. #4
    Kyle1337's Avatar
    Kyle1337 is offline Member
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    Alright, so even being on test, they wont see anything funky with the bloods they require?

  5. #5
    Darkness's Avatar
    Darkness is offline Member
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    Have you used any other acne treatments before jumping straight into accutane?

  6. #6
    shaunjohn242002's Avatar
    shaunjohn242002 is offline Associate Member
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    What type of acne did the Derm diagnose you with? Vulgaris or cystic acne?

  7. #7
    Kyle1337's Avatar
    Kyle1337 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkness View Post
    Have you used any other acne treatments before jumping straight into accutane?
    Yes, I have used every cream known to man. After that didn't work (about 6 years worth. I gave up. Then later got prescribed doxycyline or something of that name. Ran it for 4 months, no difference. Then from what I understand they put me on ampicillin, which is a step down from doxycyline. I ran that 4 months no change. My dermatologist moved to a new location 4 hour away so I had to find a new one. I gave up again... Thinking I'll never be cured.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaunjohn242002 View Post
    What type of acne did the Derm diagnose you with? Vulgaris or cystic acne?
    I'm not sure honestly.

  8. #8
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    I used 20mg day.

  9. #9
    shaunjohn242002's Avatar
    shaunjohn242002 is offline Associate Member
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    Sounds like it's time for the accutane it seems, make sure you mention you've taken cyclines to your Derm if he wasn't the one that prescribed it to you because swelling of the brain is a possible side effect of mixing them. Don't get discouraged, I guarantee you accutane will take care of it. Try not to let them go overboard with the milligrams.

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