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Thread: 300p100c40fat?--> 6-7%

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    300p100c40fat?--> 6-7%

    hey I have a diet that consists of 250-300protein,100-120carbs and 30-40fat! I am taking t-3,winny,clen/eca! I was wondering will I reach 6-7% fat range with this in a month? I am about 10% right now! I am hearing I should try bodyopus or starve myself. should I do that?
    this Is how figured my plan is going to be--->

    cut 500 cals from my diet
    t-3 250 cals cut
    clen 150 cals cut
    running 500 cals cut
    workingout 300 cals cut
    1700 cals burn everyday which is equel to 1700/3500cals per pound
    I should lose 0.5 lbs a day! I should where I want to be in four weeks!
    Is this calculation wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    well..not sure how you came up with the t3 and clen figures..but other than that, I think your going to lose some muscle. I would definately have some test in there. Winstrol isnt going to cut it IMO.

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