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Thread: Enthate - Deca - Dbol Cycle.

  1. #1

    Enthate - Deca - Dbol Cycle.

    Looking for serious opinions on this cycle. Not angry people having a crack at me. First time joining to ask for information. First time on this particular cycle and would appreciate your thoughts on it. And potential changes.

    I'm 25 years old, 91KG, 6ft 4. Diet on point. Training for a few years and have cycled previously, just not with deca in the mix. First cycle was purely test, which was for 14 weeks. Second cycle was test and dbol, test was for 14 weeks again and dbol was for 8 weeks.

    I want to run:

    500MG × 2 per week of Enthate. 1 - 14 weeks.
    25MG × 2 per day of Dbol. 1-8 weeks.
    Now this is where I need opinions on Deca. I have read a lot about it, and there is just too many people stating different doses, which is understandable! Everyone is different.

    Anything missed, let me know. PCT is sorted, just need opinions on the cycle. Especially deca.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    what exactly is your goal for this cycle?...what dose where you originally thinking?...I like it at 400mg per week but ive run it as high as 800mg...regardless, how much you do wont dictate the gains as much as your diet will...good luck

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