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08-24-2016, 09:25 PM #41
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-24-2016 at 10:30 PM.
08-24-2016, 10:27 PM #42
So are you saying that a sustanon 250mg/ml weekly will be good for all around gains. Or prop? I'm wondering what I should aim for weekly dose minimum
08-24-2016, 10:35 PM #43
If you use propionate i think 100 would equal a good trt. 250 sus will have tiny anabolic gains compared to normal healthy. But fatloss will be easier and you will feel good with extra libido.
But 250 sus will also increase hematocrit. Very long term dangerously if left alone.
Ive red that a maximum test dose for not increasing hct is 150 mg propionate.
250 prop on other hand would be significantly anabolic compared to natty.Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-24-2016 at 10:41 PM.
08-24-2016, 10:50 PM #44
08-26-2016, 03:39 PM #45
yeah , during this cycle my muscle gains was amazing and my body fat percentage reach from 13 to 11 at the same time , my idea about hcg and pct is:
1.waiting 3 days after my last injection then start hcg about 5000 iu weekly for just 2 weeks and wait 3 days after last hcg and begin pct
2.take hcg 1000 iu/day for 11 days straight and wait 3 days after last hcg and begin pct
and at this time i do inject B12 and B Complex eod ? or just one weekly ? i dont no which one would be better choose with take 1000 iu of vit E
my plan about pct is clomid 100/100/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20/20 my question is about dosage and duration , is it enough dosage and duration or should i lower dosage and duration ?
08-26-2016, 03:49 PM #46
08-26-2016, 03:50 PM #47
08-26-2016, 03:53 PM #48
08-26-2016, 04:19 PM #49
08-26-2016, 04:19 PM #50
I think a 4 week pct would suffice here
08-27-2016, 01:33 AM #51
08-27-2016, 01:35 AM #52
08-27-2016, 07:03 AM #53
I cant hardly deal with 100mg dose of do somethin like 75 75 50 50 and id do nolvadex around 40 40 20 dont need a super agressive pct with that weak cycle imo
I second this as well^^... You probly don't even need to frontload your Clomid for 2wks either(@ 75/75 but better to be safe right... Plus it's got horrible side effects at doses of 100mgs/day imho... Plus for future reference 4wks of comid is plenty sufficient - usually you'd extend the nolvadex to 6wks when running a 19nor cycle but that's nor here nor there -
08-27-2016, 08:33 AM #55
08-27-2016, 12:29 PM #56
08-27-2016, 12:30 PM #57
08-27-2016, 12:31 PM #58
08-27-2016, 12:35 PM #59
and thanks to all of my bro which was help me before on this rookie cycle god bless u all , also be happy and healthy
08-27-2016, 01:36 PM #60
at this dosage you only risk to suppress the hpta with minimal growth results ... the suppression takes place in any case , so you better go to at least 100 mg eod ( though also depends on your history of previous cycles ), but testosterone dosage should be 400/500 mg a week for decent results in growth.
In any case , HCG and PCT absolutely recommended for AAS that give shutdown (like testosterone) .
08-27-2016, 02:23 PM #61
I prefer the school of thought which states HCG 250ui/E3.5 while on cycle, rather that blasting your tests with mega dosages when they are more asleep. As someone told, even is not frequent, it's possible to risk to desensitize LH receptors... and that is pretty bad ! 250ui/E3.5 day is perfect to give a minimum but CONTINUOS stimulus to tests to keep its trofism healthy and responsive. This is what i always did and i never had troubles in recovery.
Further, with short esters like Test Prop, HCT trends to raise quicker than long esters. Mine raised up to 51% within 22 days of 300mg/EOD of Test prop. I think this was even caused either poor hydration and/or too much low estrogens. I suppose estrogens, where they are too much low, there's less water retention... and so, blood density increase. It was too much little time to increase HCT so high with that low Test dosage, even it was shot ester.
08-28-2016, 06:01 AM #62
sorry dudes i forgot to ask something about supplementing during pct
i take superior 14 stanabol x (test booster) it good and effective to use it or other test booster while on pct ?
I already have this supplements :
Cellucor C4
Optimum gold standard whey
Bcaa 4200 mg
Best glutamin bpi
L carnitine 1000 mg tab
L arginine 1500 mg tab
Vitamin C 500 mg
Vitamin E 400 iu
CoQ10 200 mg tab
Omega 3 1000 mg tab
Green tea 450 mg tab
NAC 200 mg tab
American Super Pharmatex Complex
2.and my other question is which Vitamin E and injectable B12/Bcomplex dosage would u recommend during pct ?Last edited by devil-1986; 08-28-2016 at 07:13 AM.
08-28-2016, 06:15 AM #63
this week is my final week and didn't run HCG so far then according to your info i have no other choice except waiting 3-4 days after my last injection then inject HCG 1000 iu ED for 11 days straight , i think this is better than noting and than 5000 iu/week for 2 weeks any other choice i appreciate it ?
08-30-2016, 06:23 AM #64
can i use test boosters during my pct ? is it effective ?
Last edited by devil-1986; 08-30-2016 at 06:36 AM.
08-30-2016, 06:58 AM #65
08-30-2016, 07:22 AM #66
This is a very individual reaction regarding hematocrit. Although I love prop, NPP, test no ester, the shorter esters run my HCT up more rapidly than say cyp or enanthate .
No comment on 100 mg of prop being a good TRT protocol.Last edited by almostgone; 08-30-2016 at 07:24 AM.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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08-30-2016, 09:31 AM #67
Now I'm a modest simple man. But wouldn't you think that a testosterone injection of 500mg/week is enough of a "test boost" lol just saying. That's like literally 10x natural production lol. I wouldn't waste your money on gimmicks man
Last edited by Marsoc; 08-30-2016 at 11:38 AM.
08-30-2016, 12:59 PM #68
09-04-2016, 07:39 AM #69Junior Member
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Probably not just how you react if libido low just run short course hcg at the end
09-04-2016, 12:45 PM #70
now 3 days past from my last injection, my libido is good and my testic size is ok too , should i run hcg and pct ?
09-04-2016, 12:51 PM #71
how much can we inject HCG Subcutaneously ? 500-1000 or more ?
You do to want to desensitize your leydig cells... It's suggested that one doesn't exceed 1000iu in a wk w/HCG ... Your best off going 2x wily at 250iu each time(500iu total over 2 inj)
Plus it's all determined by how you reconstitute your HCG - in a 5000iu vial I'll add 2mls and that gives me 250iu at the 10unit mark on a 1cc slin pin barrel
No... You should've ran your HCG on cycle as it mimics LH production and keeps your testes ax functional as possible... You should be starting your pct of Clomid and nolva today if it's been 3 days since your last pin...
Remember HCG is still suppressive so why suppress your natty test further when trying to recover?!
09-04-2016, 01:28 PM #74
09-04-2016, 01:33 PM #75
and what is your plan for such a weak cycle ,should i frontload clomid and nolva
(clomid 75/50/50/50 and nolva 40/20/20/20) or better take like this clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 20/20/20/20 ? or maybe better to ran nolva only ? plz help me to choose best plan for my pct for better recover and less sides
09-04-2016, 02:35 PM #76RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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09-09-2016, 02:28 AM #78
hi guys today i get my bloodwork answer it was done one day before my last injection and one day after a test p shot:
wbc 9.74 3.7-12.1
rbc 5.77 3.8-6.1
hemoglobin 17.0 12-18
hematocrite 51.9 35-59
m.c.v 90.1 79-95
m.c.h 29.5 27-35
m.c.h.c 32.8 29-39
rdw-cv 12.6 9-16
platelets 271 130-450
fbs 83 70-100
b.u.n 20.6 5-25
creatinine 1.23 0.4-1.4
uric acid 4.6 3.5-8.2
cholesterol 164 <200
triglycerides 51 35-200
hdl 51 >35
ldl 90 <130
albumin serum 4.7 3.5-5.5
s.g.o.t 89 up to 37
s.g.p.t 68 up to 41
gamma gt 20.4 <49
alkaline phosphatase 127 80-306
iron 119 40-170
t.i.b.c 356 220-450
ferritin 49.99 16-300
igg 1824.1 700-1600
t4 6.38 4.8-12.70
t3 1.28 0.8-2
t.s.h 2.36 0.39-6.16
estradiol 128.1 7.63-42.6
estrogen 104.3 7.63-42.6
l.h 1.2 1.7-8.6
f.s.h 1.2 1-14.0
testosterone 12.11 2.5-10
free testosterone 18.44 3.84-34.17
as u can see my liver Enzymes(s.g.o.t & s.g.p.t) are so much high and im worry about them, my estradiol and testosterone are high too and my L.H is very low ,
my question is what should i do for my liver ezymes back to low normal range ? is it normal that liver enzymes going so high while on cycle and can it going back to normal range after androgen going out of the body ?
09-09-2016, 04:42 AM #79RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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Working out will cause elevated liver function, this is normal.
Your e2 is too high.
You need to increase your AI dose.
09-09-2016, 05:14 AM #80
If you typed everything above correctly your gear was bunk or underdosed.
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