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Thread: Test E and Anavar cycle

  1. #1

    Test E and Anavar cycle

    I am looking to start my first cycle. I am currently 5’10 and 165. 24 years old. About 12% bf give or take.
    I am looking to add on some lean muscle will getting more cut. I got to the gym 5-6 days per week to lift and do some cardio after on certain days. I have been working out for a couple of years now. My meal plan is pretty strict with one cheat meal in there. The diet is strict for cutting.
    I have a total of 12 week plan in place.

    Week 1 750mg of Test E (3 injections EOD) front loading
    Week 2-8 250mg of Test E (take on a Monday/Thursday) total 500mg
    Week 2-8 50mg Var ED
    Week 2-8 Arimadex .5 EOD
    Week 10-12 Clomid 50/50/25. Nolva 40/30/20

    A couple questions:
    How does this cycle look?
    Do I need to use Clomid and Nolva or can I just choose one?
    Is it better to take var at the end of my cycle to the beginning of my pct? Weeks 5-10?

    I am open to any other suggestions and advice. It would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Training in crocs & socks

    There are a lot of problems here;

    A) if you're 5'10 and only 165 then you are severely underweight. That means anabolics won't do a thing for you. And 12% of that 165 is BF? You can add lean/quality muscle in a much smarter way by making changes to your nutrition protocol. Based on what your wrote changes to your cardio plan will reduce the fat as keep the fat off.

    B) There is absolutely no need for 750 mg's of test a week. Front loading is complete bro-science BS. For a 24 year old guy on his 1st cycle 350-400 mg's of test a week is fine once you fix your diet.

    C) Test E needs to be run 12-14 weeks and you start your AI with the start of the test, not a week later.

    D) PCT is the most important part of any cycle, don't skimp on PCT.

    Possibly over training as well.....I'd be interested to see your diet & training protocol.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by zpapa2309 View Post
    I am looking to start my first cycle. I am currently 5’10 and 165. 24 years old. About 12% bf give or take.
    I am looking to add on some lean muscle will getting more cut. I got to the gym 5-6 days per week to lift and do some cardio after on certain days. I have been working out for a couple of years now. My meal plan is pretty strict with one cheat meal in there. The diet is strict for cutting.
    I have a total of 12 week plan in place.

    Week 1 750mg of Test E (3 injections EOD) front loading If you want to front load, you need to front load with a short ester like Test Prop or Test Acetate. I'm not really convinced that front loading really gains you that much more over a regular Test E cycle.
    Week 2-8 250mg of Test E (take on a Monday/Thursday) total 500mg If I were you, I'd just do the M/Th injection for 12 weeks.
    Week 2-8 50mg Var ED If this your first cycle, I'd drop the Var. If not, take the Var for the last 6 weeks of the cycle.
    Week 2-8 Arimadex .5 EOD Take it through out the cycle. Need HCG also 250iu twice a week.
    Week 10-12 Clomid 50/50/25. Nolva 40/30/20 I would run Clomid 100/50/50/50 and Nolvadex 40/20/20/20 You will need a good PCT.

    A couple questions:
    How does this cycle look? See comments
    Do I need to use Clomid and Nolva or can I just choose one? See comments
    Is it better to take var at the end of my cycle to the beginning of my pct? Weeks 5-10? See comments

    I am open to any other suggestions and advice. It would be greatly appreciated.
    Other suggestions:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    post your diet, if your looking at running juice you need to be sure juice is really just a PLUS your adding not making your game out on it....

    i would run bloodwork to see if everything is good and you don'thave stuff to be worried prior to ruining juice, after wards, like i said post your diet because it is what is gonna make or break any cycle, fooood. so if you don't post this i think people will be hesitsting to help because they might not know if your SURE of what your getting into

    drop the var and keep the test, honnestly first cycle you don't need more than test, and drop the frontload thats a waste of gear lol


    drop nolva or clomid and take one of either... i prefer nolva but that always a personnal thing, if you have access to HCG add it to your cycle starting week 5 till last pin at 500iu/wk split into 2x250iu shot
    Last edited by Riplec; 07-28-2016 at 08:47 AM.

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