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Thread: Advice on cycling Dbol, TestE, and winny

  1. #1
    B3arj3w is offline New Member
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    Jul 2016

    Advice on cycling Dbol, TestE, and winny

    Im looking for some advice on my upcomimg cycle, this will be my 5th cycle but im new to stacking. Ive always cycled only Cypionate . Im 5'10 220 ive been injuried so gained alot of fat weight since my last cycle, im probably around 25% body fat. Heres the stack ive come up with.

    Week 1-4 DBol 30mg/day Oral
    Week 1-12 Test E 500mg/week IM
    Week 10-15 Winstrol 50mg/day Oral
    PCT clomid and nolvadex

    Im curious if i should run HCG , ive been seeing people running it Weeks 3-12 but not sure if ill need it and if i do should i run an aromasin along with it, or run the aromasin alone without the HCG?
    My last cycle near the end i showed signs of gyno but shortly after my PCT everything went away.

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    IMOP you need to drop some weight prior to your cycle.

  3. #3
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    you should run HCG from week1 to your last test pin. 500iu split to 2x a week.

    @ 25% BF estrogenic compounds as DBOL is you asking to be a trainwreck, if youre gonna do it regardless what people say just at least go with TBOL, and for the most part you need to run AI during the entire cycle, just not sure at what dosage given your BF is so high - you will potentially aromatise alot of test to E (not so much if any at all with TBOL but still, higher bodyFat will pull this on to you regardless, at least how I see things), which is not something you want, especially you need to dial in your E2 during all this which will be a chaos and you will have to live trough it while trying to diet lift recover and stay on track of things... this whole thing sounds alot like a train wreck....
    I would really dial in the diet cut some good amount of fat, especially when you mention you have felt sides of gyno coming in, would you like it to take off from a get go where it left off since the last time? I doubt so

    For PCT you wanna run nolva and clomid, it almost feels like you have not seen this, its useful, lots good detailed info, not only for beginners: My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  4. #4
    B3arj3w is offline New Member
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    Jul 2016
    Thanks for the help guys. I wasnt gonna get my order in for about 4 weeks so that should be enough time to drop some weight.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    You should be below 15% when you start your cycle. You need to lose 22lbs of fat in 4 weeks. One NEVER loses only fat, muscles always go with them. So, let's say you lose 22lbs of fat and 10lbs of muscles. That means you'll have to lose about 32lbs in one months. That's a lot of weight in a month. You should plan on losing weight for 3 to 6 months. Get the bf down below 15% before you start your cycle. Be safe.
    songdog likes this.

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