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Thread: Grey Tops HGH.....

  1. #1

    Grey Tops HGH.....

    So i realize most hgh is fake and coming from China. i ordered some grey tops from a ugl (about 4 weeks ago before i learned about fakes) and realize they most likely are fake but theres a small chance they may be real. im curious to know - what sides should i look out for to prove they are real? the only sides i know of are carpel tunnel and a sense of well being and deeper sleep. are there other sides i should be on the lookout for to prove they might be real grey tops? thanks for replying...

  2. #2
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    After about a week I noticed that I was having a much deeper level of sleep. Also, the skin on the back of my hands got noticeably smoother. I had read to look out for these 2 on another forum. The other one to look out for is water retention and I noticed my right ankle almost swell up a bit but I think that could have been due to a rebound from my past diet.

    If you search "hgh" on these forums you will come across a lot of info. I find it crazy how many people buy stuff without doing the homework first. I guess you guys make a lot more money than me LOL

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    After about a week I noticed that I was having a much deeper level of sleep. Also, the skin on the back of my hands got noticeably smoother. I had read to look out for these 2 on another forum. The other one to look out for is water retention and I noticed my right ankle almost swell up a bit but I think that could have been due to a rebound from my past diet.

    If you search "hgh" on these forums you will come across a lot of info. I find it crazy how many people buy stuff without doing the homework first. I guess you guys make a lot more money than me LOL
    thanks for your advice... i know to look for water retention. hopefully i dont get that one, def not wanted. ive searched this forum for some hgh threads and it avails some results but not exactly what im looking for....hence the reason i made this thread. thanks for your input tho.

    p.s. i dont make a ton of money just spend it wisely.

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    Cinematic dreams. And I mean major motion picture. Vivid. Epic.

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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Cinematic dreams. And I mean major motion picture. Vivid. Epic.

    lol, ill be on the look out for that.

  6. #6
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    If you ordered Grey Tops from TP then they are 100% legit

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by petegriffinjr View Post
    If you ordered Grey Tops from TP then they are 100% legit

    naw i didnt order them from TP i ordered them from another popular ugl.... dont know if i can mention the name or not but they r pretty popular on steroidoology.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The chance of you having fake or something else in your grey tops or any coloured tops is around 99.9%, and you do know how source boards operate don't you. First lesson don't believe anything what anyone says on them about any of the products what they sell. Why don't you do what ive told you 5 times to do and read the thread I sent you, it will take you around a week but you will know after that you might aswell throw your grey tops away.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The chance of you having fake or something else in your grey tops or any coloured tops is around 99.9%, and you do know how source boards operate don't you. First lesson don't believe anything what anyone says on them about any of the products what they sell. Why don't you do what ive told you 5 times to do and read the thread I sent you, it will take you around a week but you will know after that you might aswell throw your grey tops away.

    I have personally seen HLPC and mass spectrometry test done on the hgh from tp
    They are the most purest you will find out of China , they do come from gmp factory and are dose correctly not overdosed like a few other good sources

    You can't possible believe all gh from China is fake, the test speak from them selfs, I understand they have a horrible reputation and in passed have failed tremoudosly but things have changed , they would be stupid to keep selling fake gh, they would go out of business. Once you knw found a legit source you will keep going back its that simple

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob segal View Post
    I have personally seen HLPC and mass spectrometry test done on the hgh from tp
    They are the most purest you will find out of China , they do come from gmp factory and are dose correctly not overdosed like a few other good sources

    You can't possible believe all gh from China is fake, the test speak from them selfs, I understand they have a horrible reputation and in passed have failed tremoudosly but things have changed , they would be stupid to keep selling fake gh, they would go out of business. Once you knw found a legit source you will keep going back its that simple
    I have also seen many spec test results but seeing and results are completely different thing. Lab testing gh is a real complicated thing to do especially if you want to know if the hormone is active or not, also having a blood test isn't as easy as many think on this forum but in all honesty.
    One thing is a fact and that is no matter who you are dealing with in China they can't be trusted that's without question. If anyone has used pharm grade hgh for any considerable time at a high dose will know exactly what real hgh is capable of doing and how your body reacts to it. Generics vs pharm grade is like chalk and cheese and now over the last couple of years what ive discovered is that even the legal companies in China cant be trusted , and why should we when they even poison their own people. The West gets sucked in because of cheap products....I was actually paid off by one of the legit companies in China to keep my mouth shut and stop posting on the Chinese concerns threads because I found out what they were doing.

    Its impossible to test for an active hormone, here is an email from a friend of mine explaining what can and what cant be done, he also tested many hgh samples for me. His research field consist of Biological Sciences - Biochemistry mass spectrometry, chromatography, proteomics, LCMS, MS, electrospray, glycobiology, systems, bioinformatics. He is an international biochemist with over 15 years experience in analytical chemistry and its applications for investigating the structure and function of biomolecules.

    Hi Marcus,

    There are some things that we can do, some things that we could do, but that would possibly be too expensive (not worth it) and other things that we cannot do.

    Please let me start with the last section:
    We absolutely cannot test any substances for their suitability for any purpose, particularly not for their use in a diagnostic, therapeutic and/or recreational purpose, when this involves administering to a living being (including humans).

    Measuring the concentration of the growth hormones is something that is actually not as easy as it might seem. The concentration of the hormone can have two different meanings, it could be the chemical concentration of a compound (this is something that we can measure), it could also be the biological activity of this compound (this would be different, if a certain proportion of this chemical would be biologically inactive, which could happen for a variety of reasons). The latter (measuring the biological activity) is something we cannot do. We can measure the chemical concentration of human growth hormone (or any other growth hormone), but that would involve the chemical synthesis of an internal standard, followed by a fairly complicated experiment, in which we use chemical scissors (en enzyme called trypsin) to chop the protein into pieces, then we analyse these pieces using a combination of high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, followed by a computer-intensive analysis of the data. The result of this experiment would be the concentration either in units of mol/l or in units of mg/l (the two are interconvertible). I do not know how the IU (stands for International Units) for growth hormone are defined - this might be a functional (biological) unit (which we cannot measure).

    Human growth hormone is a chain of 191 different amino acids. One thing we can do is measure the total molecular weight of the protein in a sample to see, if it corresponds to the molecular weight that would be predicted for a protein containing these 191 amino acids. This experiment detects, if one amino acid was missing or another one was added, in some cases (but not in all cases) even, if an amino acid was replaced with a different one. Another outcome of this experiment would be to see, if other, similar proteins are present in the same sample.

    In a different experiment we can check, if a protein in a particular sample is really growth hormone or if it is possibly something completely different, for example egg white protein or milk protein.

    For your information, I attach two links to articles about human growth hormone:

    Athletes Don't Benefit From Human Growth Hormone, Study Finds - Bloomberg

    Steroid Nation: Review from Stanford says HGH no benefit as PED

    Best wishes,
    ****** ********

    If your happy buying cheap generic hgh carry on, but I wouldn't use it if it was free. Ive seen to much and been involved in many things over the past 30years with the Chinese and HGH it would really open your eyes. If your happy carry on that's fine but its not for me. If you have been getting good 100% hgh and been using it for some time you should look like your carved out of stone and built like a Greek god.

    If people would read the Chinese concerns thread it would help them understand because I cant keep on repeating myself every single thread what comes up, please read the thread and your eyes will be opened, no matter what test results you have seen.

  11. #11
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    In Marcus I trust.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The chance of you having fake or something else in your grey tops or any colored tops is around 99.9%, and you do know how source boards operate don't you. First lesson don't believe anything what anyone says on them about any of the products what they sell. Why don't you do what ive told you 5 times to do and read the thread I sent you, it will take you around a week but you will know after that you might as well throw your grey tops away.
    While Marcus and I generally agree 99.9% of the time, we'll butt heads over this issue.
    Grey top hgh, while not my preference or anything I would order again, has a cult following...not for distributing snake oil.... What is a contributing/new member of our forums here to think when our paying advertiser (IMT) originated from the 'source board' referenced?
    All I will add is that I gave IMT hell (initially) and so far they have won me over. Promoting fear is what often sells products, particularly when it comes to biotech premiums as it pertains to the bb'ing/anti-aging communities - beware the naysayer
    Last edited by 956Vette; 08-01-2016 at 07:04 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I have also seen many spec test results but seeing and results are completely different thing. Lab testing gh is a real complicated thing to do especially if you want to know if the hormone is active or not, also having a blood test isn't as easy as many think on this forum but in all honesty.
    One thing is a fact and that is no matter who you are dealing with in China they can't be trusted that's without question. If anyone has used pharm grade hgh for any considerable time at a high dose will know exactly what real hgh is capable of doing and how your body reacts to it. Generics vs pharm grade is like chalk and cheese and now over the last couple of years what ive discovered is that even the legal companies in China cant be trusted , and why should we when they even poison their own people. The West gets sucked in because of cheap products....I was actually paid off by one of the legit companies in China to keep my mouth shut and stop posting on the Chinese concerns threads because I found out what they were doing.

    Its impossible to test for an active hormone, here is an email from a friend of mine explaining what can and what cant be done, he also tested many hgh samples for me. His research field consist of Biological Sciences - Biochemistry mass spectrometry, chromatography, proteomics, LCMS, MS, electrospray, glycobiology, systems, bioinformatics. He is an international biochemist with over 15 years experience in analytical chemistry and its applications for investigating the structure and function of biomolecules.

    Hi Marcus,

    There are some things that we can do, some things that we could do, but that would possibly be too expensive (not worth it) and other things that we cannot do.

    Please let me start with the last section:
    We absolutely cannot test any substances for their suitability for any purpose, particularly not for their use in a diagnostic, therapeutic and/or recreational purpose, when this involves administering to a living being (including humans).

    Measuring the concentration of the growth hormones is something that is actually not as easy as it might seem. The concentration of the hormone can have two different meanings, it could be the chemical concentration of a compound (this is something that we can measure), it could also be the biological activity of this compound (this would be different, if a certain proportion of this chemical would be biologically inactive, which could happen for a variety of reasons). The latter (measuring the biological activity) is something we cannot do. We can measure the chemical concentration of human growth hormone (or any other growth hormone), but that would involve the chemical synthesis of an internal standard, followed by a fairly complicated experiment, in which we use chemical scissors (en enzyme called trypsin) to chop the protein into pieces, then we analyse these pieces using a combination of high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, followed by a computer-intensive analysis of the data. The result of this experiment would be the concentration either in units of mol/l or in units of mg/l (the two are interconvertible). I do not know how the IU (stands for International Units) for growth hormone are defined - this might be a functional (biological) unit (which we cannot measure).

    Human growth hormone is a chain of 191 different amino acids. One thing we can do is measure the total molecular weight of the protein in a sample to see, if it corresponds to the molecular weight that would be predicted for a protein containing these 191 amino acids. This experiment detects, if one amino acid was missing or another one was added, in some cases (but not in all cases) even, if an amino acid was replaced with a different one. Another outcome of this experiment would be to see, if other, similar proteins are present in the same sample.

    In a different experiment we can check, if a protein in a particular sample is really growth hormone or if it is possibly something completely different, for example egg white protein or milk protein.

    For your information, I attach two links to articles about human growth hormone:

    Athletes Don't Benefit From Human Growth Hormone, Study Finds - Bloomberg

    Steroid Nation: Review from Stanford says HGH no benefit as PED

    Best wishes,
    ****** ********

    If your happy buying cheap generic hgh carry on, but I wouldn't use it if it was free. Ive seen to much and been involved in many things over the past 30years with the Chinese and HGH it would really open your eyes. If your happy carry on that's fine but its not for me. If you have been getting good 100% hgh and been using it for some time you should look like your carved out of stone and built like a Greek god.

    If people would read the Chinese concerns thread it would help them understand because I cant keep on repeating myself every single thread what comes up, please read the thread and your eyes will be opened, no matter what test results you have seen.
    Marcus- would u be so kind to send me the link or article you have been referencing so i can read it? thank you kindly...

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    While Marcus and I generally agree 99.9% of the time, we'll but heads over this issue.
    Grey top hgh, while not my preference or anything I would order again, has a cult following...not for distributing snake oil.... What is a contributing/new member of our forums here to think when our paying advertiser (IMT) originated from the 'source board' referenced?
    All I will add is that I gave IMT hell (initially) and so far they have won me over. Promoting fear is what often sells products, particularly when it comes to biotech premiums as it pertains to the bb'ing/anti-aging communities - beware the naysayer

    so u think these grey tops could be real? is that what youre implying? thanks for the post...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    unless it's pharm grade, it's just a peptide blend... peptides do work , but it's not HGH

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbypump View Post
    unless it's pharm grade, it's just a peptide blend... peptides do work , but it's not HGH
    this is so disheartening to hear but realize it could be true... ive have started to feel some of the sides of hgh wrist and hands were feeling numb today at work and kinda tight... i know carpel tunnel is a side but not sure if that is what it was...dunno

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    They are real

    Result speak from them selfs
    I'm not bashing anyone here and I am concerned totally when China is envolved
    But when result show in the mirror and my body fat drops and my vascularity is remarkably visible and my insulin use can increase with out fat gain , my sleep is like a rock, my serum and igf are exacltly what is should be if it was pharm,( and yes I've done bloods before hgh and after for correct comparison)

    Just because it's China doesn't mean they can't do things right , if they want a billions dollar industry they will fig out how to compete with the rest, this isn't nuclear science.
    The funny thing is this sites banner is representing steroids that are not steroids Infact they will do nothing close to real AAS and here we are bashing China.
    You should probably be bashing the people selling this fake banner steroids to young kids thinking they are getting something better and safer,
    Really if they knew all they really need is hard training with correct neurological muscle contractions and correct diet and sleep, kids will grow just fine doing this....

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob segal View Post
    They are real

    Result speak from them selfs
    I'm not bashing anyone here and I am concerned totally when China is envolved
    But when result show in the mirror and my body fat drops and my vascularity is remarkably visible and my insulin use can increase with out fat gain , my sleep is like a rock, my serum and igf are exacltly what is should be if it was pharm,( and yes I've done bloods before hgh and after for correct comparison)

    Just because it's China doesn't mean they can't do things right , if they want a billions dollar industry they will fig out how to compete with the rest, this isn't nuclear science.
    The funny thing is this sites banner is representing steroids that are not steroids Infact they will do nothing close to real AAS and here we are bashing China.
    You should probably be bashing the people selling this fake banner steroids to young kids thinking they are getting something better and safer,
    Really if they knew all they really need is hard training with correct neurological muscle contractions and correct diet and sleep, kids will grow just fine doing this....
    lol, spot on my man...righteous.... =)

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbypump View Post
    unless it's pharm grade, it's just a peptide blend... peptides do work , but it's not HGH

    news flash bobby (and to the many minions who adhere to this false belief), experiences from growth hormone peptides and polypeptide hormones differ greatly. folks need to wake up and keep pace with peptide synthesis technology and advancing quality control measures...or be left behind and fear monger (making you a joke and/or a shill).

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post

    news flash bobby (and to the many minions who adhere to this false belief), experiences from growth hormone peptides and polypeptide hormones differ greatly. folks need to wake up and keep pace with peptide synthesis technology and advancing quality control measures...or be left behind and fear monger (making you a joke and/or a shill).

    so u think these r fake too huh? oh man....

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by My_Pitch27 View Post
    so u think these r fake too huh? oh man....
    I think what are fake? Grey top, as I stated I received value from them (once upon a time)'re just not getting the latest and greatest had you choose to buy grey top gh (when dealing with top tier Chinese growth hormone options).

    Sadly, in American (for example), it's extraordinarily difficult to find and afford prescription hgh (while staying legal yourself and your dealer/doctor). It's all too commonplace for your 'compounding pharmacy' to step in and take the role of the modern UGL while partnering with physicians (& these pharmacies moonlight as a legitimate in house peptide synthesizer service creating peptide hormones/ which they of course outsource to neighboring biotechnology companies who turn a blind eye to reality & cowardly LE doesn't dare attack their legal teams). My point is there are suppliers who provide quality products in abundance and they far outweigh the con artists...on a global scale - just my .02.

  21. #21
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    Generic GH exists & it is real

    I have been researching many aspects of juicing for a while here. So - yeah, it's real (if you get legit shit at least). But, it's not like juice - juice is MG of hormone powder per ML(minus whatever possible crap that can be within the powder itself). GH is more like a deeper potency. 2-3iu of true HG gh is about an equivalent of close to 6-8iu of the Chinese Generic.

  22. #22
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    A world without islam!!!!
    Never trierd gh it is my final frontier. I could get pharm gh but its like 40-50 grand for a years worth at a decent Iu.

    I want to know if it makes you feel like a god the way test does?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Asia but not Asian.
    My 2 cents.

    1. I asked my doc for the prescript for 18 months of prescript HgH. 100K USD. Fairly Cheap in my opinion if your life is pushing weights. I spent that on motorcycle parts this year alone. It is made in India...if I remember correctly the photo had Mereck as the MfG.

    2. If you use test and tren you have a 99% likelihood of using Chinese products. I have been to three factories here and the quantity they make is just astounding. From what I am told HgH in china is the same level of illegal to make as Clen. Clen gets you a life in jail card do not pass go and it is strictly enforced. They had an instance where farmers fed clen to pigs to make extra lean meat for hotpot. They did not allow time after dosing for the substance to clear system. Dozens of people died from this. The farmers got the death penalty. The law that was passed had clen and forms of HgH in it as illegal and grouped as the same. Saying that to say this. Buying HgH generic from China is not something I would do without a spectrum analyzer.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    I could get pharm gh but its like 40-50 grand for a years worth at a decent Iu.

    What's a decent iu?!

    For under 2k a mo, I can have my head the size of Barry Bonds within a year

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    They had an instance where farmers fed clen to pigs to make extra lean meat for hotpot. They did not allow time after dosing for the substance to clear system. Dozens of people died from this. The farmers got the death penalty.
    Severe Penalties in China Clenbuterol Pork Scandal | Food Safety News

    Serious prison, but no death penalty. Only one person died, and it was not related to the cases being criminally prosecuted.

  26. #26
    U think they substitute clen for hgh?

  27. #27
    LOL! Hell, no! Anybody who has taken clenbuterol would know the difference immediately.

  28. #28
    Well that's good to know... Lol

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Never trierd gh it is my final frontier. I could get pharm gh but its like 40-50 grand for a years worth at a decent Iu.

    I want to know if it makes you feel like a god the way test does?

    Hgh is very versatile

    You can focus on fat loss by restricting your carb intake forcing fatty acids to be burnt

    You can utilize more Cals including carbs to help build strength and power while not getting fat ,( that's why insulin and gh go well with eachother many other reasons also....)

    You can use it for anti aging purposes and take a replacement dose to help keep you at youthfulness

    In all and all its no super man but very important to add to HELP with your goal in mind

  30. #30
    Thanks for the advice!

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